Chapter 10

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Another Chapter has entered your lives hehe. Also Major time jump ahead.

Song: Lateralus by Tool

"Can you please hold?"

"What? No! I've been on hold for the past--FUCK!"

It has officially been one entire month since I left my job at G&S Limited. I was happy as hell, one because I was able to now work with a man who has made my life worth living; and two because I didn't have to see that scumbag--you know who I'm talking about--at all. Tuck had convinved his sister to give me a job at the bookstore as the cashier, but not only that, the previous cashier was about to retire so perfect it was the timing.

I wasn't unhappy but I was mad as hell because over the past month I had been trying to contact modeling agencies. I was either always put on hold, or I didn't get an answer at all. It's more than frustrating, because my mom has no idea I had quit. Tuck helps quite a lot too. He would send me some agencies and their contact information. I was going to meet with a photographer today to take some headshots and Tuck and his daughter were both accompanying me.

I hung up the phone after being put on hold again for the seventh time in two hours. These agencies were despicable and I needed to calm down. Running my hands through my hair, I continued my search for a good agency because I really wanted to actually become a model. After dressing and hearing the familiar beep of his horn, I made my way outside to meet Tuck and his sugar-sweet daughter, Na'el. We met a couple weeks back, for their birthdays and I fell in love with her. She was the sweetest little thing, with her frilly skirts and her obsession with purple.

"Hey guys!" I walked over to the car. Na'el opened her car door and ran to me, embracing my legs with her tiny arms.

"Hi Yevette! You look really pretty..." She complimented me with a blush on her cheeks.

"Thank you honey. You look even more beautiful." She took my hand in hers and led the way back to her father's car. "And hello to you Tuck." I greeted him as I got into the backseat with Na'el.

"Hey. Ready to go? Need to make any stops?" I stopped and thought for a moment, and that was when Na'el gave me a look that told me she wanted to make a stop. I didn't know much about kids, but I did know that they loved candy and snacks so I said the only reasonable thing that popped into my head.

"Seven Eleven! We need to stop at Seven Eleven." Na'el fist pumped the air and sang silently. Bingo.

I didn't know why, but I was seeing my self having tea parties with Na'el, or me doing her makeup, but that was probably just my natural maternal instincts doing its job. I mean, I was at age to have children, but I personally am not ready to share my life with something as valuable as a small human being. Especially in the world we live in today. Plus, I haven't found someone that would be willing to stay and raise a child with me. Now Tuck may come up, but he already had a child of his own and we weren't even an official couple. We pulled into the Seven Eleven parking lot and I hopped out, bringing Na'el with me.

"Need anything?"

"Nah. I'm good. Get back quickly." Tuck responded cutting the engine.

We stepped inside and the smell of hotdogs and baking bread filled my nose.

"Okay, you can go pick out anything you want. I'm giving you ten dollars."

"Thanks Yevette. You're awesome!"

Kids... I picked out two packs of 'Grandma's homestyle cookies' and a Dr. Pepper slushy. I also bought a bag of popcorn and a bag of Takis because I loved them, and went up to cash my items. Na'el came back with full arms. She had all sorts of chocolates and sweets and the biggest smile I'd ever seen on her face.

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