Chapter 20

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Hey hey hey!

My late ass is finally here. No I'm not dead. Yes my life is a mess... but please still love me ♡


Song: In The Night by The Weeknd

About three and a half weeks had passed since the news about my sister surfaced and honestly everything seemed fine. She went back to New York and my mother accepted the fate that was brought upon her. I on the other hand had other things to worry about like the dinner date Sebastian had planned for Tuck, Lila him and I which by the way was tonight.

I was a mess because I had to go meet Daniel earlier today to finalize some information and surprise, he was willing to mentor me and help me fulfil my dream of modelling--as a form of sabotage of course. When I got home, the blue dress that I had bought was laying neatly on the couch along with my white heels and some jewelry. All thanks to Tuck.

All I was sent was an address and a text that read: 'dress nicely'. So suspicious yet not so much really. I hadn't seen the two love birds in a long time which I wasn't complaining about. I was a bit nervous because I didn't know how Lila or her man were going to act. I surely did hope that neither Sebastian or Tuck were passive aggressive to each other because that would just ruin the evening.

I dressed myself and sat on the couch buckling my shoe when Tuck walks out looking sexy as hell in his black suit. He wore a blue undershirt and a black tie with his black dress shoes and the twenty-four karat gold cufflinks that I had gifted to him. Our initials were engraved into the fine pieces of gold and he wore it proudly.

"You like?" He asked me with a goofy smile on his lips.

"I love. Please do not comb your hair. You look sexy with messy hair." I spoke. He leaned towards me and kissed atop my head making me blush. He was so affectionate.

"Babe, are you ready to go? It's almost eight." Tuck wanted to be on time so he was rushing me. I couldn't blame him, I was always late to everything. Once, I had to run to catch my flight because the gate was closing.

I grabbed my silver clutch purse and made my way out of the apartment, locking the door and heading down to Tuck's car. The air was chilly, as it was getting closer and closer to December and soon it would begin snowing. I got in the car and cranked up the heat while Tuck buckled up and put the address into the car's GPS. I said a silent prayer as we took off on our journey. I was tired of being embarrassed, especially when I'm around Sebastian. My fingers were also crossed as the tiny little butterflies began fluttering around my tummy as we neared our destination, passing by busy bars and lit buildings. Tuck grabbed hold of my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Relax. Everything's going to be alright."

"I hope so..." I really did.

Wealthy families around us laughed heartily as they cracked jokes among each other. Even though it seemed real, they all despised each other. The way their smiles didn't touch their eyes and the constant forced laughter made it all too clear. I felt as though I was in a cliché movie where I had to sit through the torture of an uncomfortable dinner in an unfamiliar environment. So far, the two men who accompanied me had managed to not fight till the death and Lila was happy to spend some time with her man, but I on the other hand, I was extremely bored. Even thought all I wanted was a quiet night, having a quiet night was so much boring than I originally expected it to be.

"You okay babe?" Tuck pushed a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and in the corner of my eye, I saw Sebastian clench his jaw tight. Was this possibly angering him? Then an idea struck me. It was pretty pathetic but I needed some action at that table. I nimbly leaned closer to my man and kissed under his earlobe making him giggle just a little bit.

"I see you too are enjoying yourselves," Sebastian remarked grabbing his glass of Chardonnay and wetting his pallete.

"Is that a problem?" I asked lightly cracking a smile at him. Lila looked nervous and let out a shakey laugh as Sebastian glared at me with his blue orbs. "Chill your beans Sebastian, it was a joke." I huffed. What was the point in trying.

Tuck kissed my hair trying to calm me down a bit but I wasn't riled up. At least it wasn't boring anymore. Just then, the waiter who might I add was giving me flirty eyes, came back to take our orders. I had my meal memorized knowing that I would stutter trying to give my order to Mr. Flirty-pants.

"Are you guys ready to order? Our special tonight is The Tender Wagyu Beef with the Butternut Squash Noodles topped with creamy Pesto sauce, tomatoes and Pine Nuts." The waiter finished. My brain was trying to process everything as Sebastian placed his and Lila's orders. They had to show off their wealth by ordering the special.

When it was my turn, I ordered the Filet Mignon and Scallops while Tuck just got a lobster tail. I was starving, yet at the same time, the butterflies in my tummy took up all the space. I decided to splash some water on my cheeks so I excused myself. Lila came with me.

"I'm sorry if you're feeling uncomfortable Yevette. You have to excuse Sebastian... He doesn't--" I interrrupted her.

"No, you don't have to make excuses for him. He's a grown man. With a brain." I turned on the water and ran my fingertips through the cool water.

"Um, didn't you and him hook up? A while back though?" Her question caught me off guard. So off guard that I choked on the air I had inhaled. I gulped loudly trying to think of an answer that wouldn't anger her.

"Yeah... Well not really a hook up, we kissed a couple of times..." The look on her faced showed that she didn't fully believe my story. "Okay we had sex a few times but I didn't know that you both were together." I confessed. She nodded as she understood.

"And uh, we're you with Tuck while all of this was going on?" Why was she being so suspicious? Did she suspect something? I broke off our forbidden relationship weeks ago. Was he cheating on her with another woman? Maybe Vera? I shook my head in a blatant lie but she took the bait.

"Why?" I asked her turning the running pipe off. I faced her and there were tears pouring down her face.

"I think he's still cheating on me... I love that man and all he does to me is cheat and lie! I'm sick and tired of it Yevette. I forgave him countless times but he keeps using me. He's been so disconnected with me and only wants sex. What should I do? I'm knee deep in wedding planning and he hasn't done shit... I can't--" I held that woman close to me in the bathroom.

I've never seen a woman break down like Lila did that night. I now understood how my mother must've felt when my dad cheated and lied to her. The million dollar question was who the hell could he hooking up with and why? Wasn't he happy with his soon-to-be-wife? So many questions and so little time before their wedding. Even though I did my wrong in the past, I couldn't bear to see a fellow sister be distressed in such a manner because of her own loyalty. It wasn't right and I was going to try and help her even if it would cost her an entire relationship. No one deserves to be unhappy in their relationship.

4 weeks late... I can explain.
Simple, life. I made plans and shit
got twisted.


Thank you for supporting me (even while I was inactive on Wattpad) I appreciate all the votes and comments that you've been leaving on my chapters. I love that you all can carry on a convo without hate because there isn't hate in this Hola Cola family.

*Anyways, thank you so much again.. also I'll be modifying my profile again to seem a bit more professional and short. If you wanna know more about me you can PM me or ask me a question on my MB :))

Until next update.

I love you my Cola Fam ♡


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