New Born

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It has been a week since the Leighton heir has passed away. Carlisle has made sure for the funeral to be with a closed casket so no one would suspect anything.

At first, her father didn't believe that it was true, but after he felt her icy cold skin and no heartbeat he had to come to terms that his only child had passed away. To say the man was furious would be an understatement. Things were thrown and blood was spilt. He may have been a cruel man even to his child but he loved her nonetheless. He had all the doctors except for Carlisle put into jail for not being there for his daughter when she was dying. He just couldn't comprehend that they couldn't stop her from dying, it was their job after all.

As the empty casket was being put into the ground the body of the girl was lying inside Carlisle's house deadly still. The moment the empty casket got covered up Carlisle went away as quickly as humanly possible. He knew if he didn't attend the funeral it would be suspicious taking in mind how close the doctor got with the girl over the months.

The moment he closed the door he sped up into the room to see the girl still lying in the bed. He couldn't have been more relieved by the fact. He was getting worried that the girl had woken up confused and escaped the house harming innocent people on her way for blood.

As he was about to walk out the girl started to toss in the bed mumbling something under her breath causing Carlisle to be by her side in a matter of seconds. The girl's eyes suddenly shot open and she started to look around confused with many thoughts running through her head. What happened? Wasn't she supposed to be dead by now? And where was she? And why did she feel such deep pain in her throat?

Carlisle sensed the girl's distressed state and gently grabbed her by the shoulders to calm her down before speaking.

"Please, I need you to calm down, I will explain everything to you." When the girl's frightened eyes found him she started to calm down. She trusted the doctor completely and knew that if he was beside her it meant that she was safe.

"Doctor please, what is happening to me?" Her voice came out scared and confused. She wanted to cry so badly but no tears seemed to come out of her eyes. Carlisle took his hands away from her shoulders and sat down beside her on the bed thinking through in his head how he was going to tell her what happened.

"My dear just as your life was slipping away I was able to save you just in time. But the cost was quite steep." The younger girl pulled her legs to her chest not understanding what all this meant. What type of cost was it? How bad is it that he couldn't just tell it to her straightforwardly? Carlisle looks back at the girl not knowing how to continue.

"To save you, my dear, I had to inject you with my venom...With my vampire venom which ended up with you becoming one." Her eyes widen shocked at what the doctor said. 



She heard rumours about vampires but she never believed a word always thinking it was just a story to scare little children into eating their vegetables. The girl furrowed her eyebrows angry not believing that the person she would consider a friend would lie to her in times like this.

"Liar!" She pushed Carlisle away with such great force that sent him meters away into the wooden closet breaking it. The girl's eyes widened as he groaned causing her breathing to become short and quick. It couldn't be...there was no way it was true.

As the girl kept her eyes on the doctor who stood up and was standing in front of her she didn't notice the objects in the room lift circling her head. Carlisle's eyes widened amazed at what he was witnessing. He heard rumors that certain vampires had special abilities but he has never witnessed them himself. Natalia looked at him confused before looking up to see lighted candles and pillows hanging over her head scaring her. She moved off the bed so quickly that she slammed into the mirror breaking it.

She quickly turned around and looked at her reflection with complete shock. Her once forest-green eyes were now bloodshot red. She was so captivated by her sight that she didn't realize that all the objects went back to their original places.

Carlisle walked over to the newborn vampire cautiously not wanting to scare her even more. As he stood behind her she didn't even move but kept looking into her eyes scared.

"You were telling the truth.." Her voice came out so quiet that a bare human ear wouldn't have been able to hear a word she said. Carlisle looked at her sadly through the mirror and put his cold hand on her back.

"I am truly sorry-" He didn't get to continue his sentence because the girl turned around with a blank expression interrupting him.

"What now...what is going to happen to me now Doctor?"

"I can promise you shelter and help but I have a rule that needs to be followed."

Without waiting a second later she answered him with her voice that stayed monotone."And what is that?" Carlisle let out a small smile at the girl before continuing.

"No harm towards the humans." Natalia nodded looking back at her mirror reflection.

"You have my word."

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