A Fight to Remember

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Finally, the day she was dreading was here and she couldn't halt the dawn ebbing its gradual way into daylight. A muscle twitched involuntarily at the corner of her right eye, her mouth formed a rigid grimace. With arms folded tightly across her chest, she walked up the steep snow-covered mountain.

The girl has been so lost in constructing scenarios for the evening ahead worried about how bad it could turn out. Her nerves were frayed to the quick. In her building anxiety, she constructed elaborate rationalizations for why everything would turn out alright, but still, the nagging voice in the back of her mind spoke of nothing but doom ahead.

As she walked through the forest the ground would give out under her tiny body mass. Every step is so light that she makes no sound in the snow at all. She was so worried but yet still she walked forward softly with confidence laced in each step.

Her head snapped to the side at the sound of a branch being snapped so quickly that her braided hair flipped over her shoulder with great force. But the sight in front of her made the girl let out a soft breath and a small smile. 

Moving into the morning light was a giant wolf. He is a golden brown, fur glossy and thick. His paws kiss the snow with a lightness and his gaze is serene as he looks at the girl. He gave the girl a slight head tilt to the side as he stepped closer showing that he indeed felt the girl's worries making her let out a laugh that warmed him up inside.

"I'm sorry you probably can feel waves of stress coming off me, I'm just worried about the whole fight. I know that with the pack's help, it will all work out but I just can't help but worry you know." The wolf nodded his head lightly making Natalia smile.

"Uhm your Seth right? I feel like it would be rude of me if I didn't introduce myself." Seth once again nodded but this time there was a slight hint of a smile on his mouth making Natalia's smile widen.

"Well, then it's nice to meet you Seth my name is Natalia. And as much as I would love to stay here and somewhat continue our conversation I'm sure my brother, Jacob, and Bella are already waiting for us to get to the camp." Seth nods rubbing himself on the side of the vampire surprising her lightly before stepping in front of her and leading the way.

She shook it off as his way of just introducing him because he wasn't in his human state so he couldn't physically give her a handshake. As the two get to the campsite they arrive just in time to see Bella walk out of the tent.

"Hello Bella, I hope you slept well through the night." Bella nods looking at the girl and wolf with a smile on her face.

"Hey ya uh, I slept well. It was cold at the beginning but we made it work." The blonde nodded never losing the smile.

"That's good we wouldn't want you getting a fever."

"Um, are you staying up here through the fight too?" Edward hadn't told Bella that his sister was also going to be with them at the campsite during the fight so when she saw the blonde she was pleasantly surprised.

"Yes, there was a change in plans." The three heard the sound of footsteps causing them to look back at see Edward coming in their direction. The boy smiled when he saw his sister before walking over to his fiance.

"Where's Jacob? Did he already..." Edward shook his head at his fiance.

"Not yet. He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes." Edward looks down at Seth with a look to do the same. The wolf looks between the two vampires with uncertainty but lets out a gruff sound and runs out into the forest but not without sending one last glance their way. Edward lets out a sigh as he looks between Bella and Natalia.

"I'm really sorry about last night. That couldn't have been easy on you." The sentence makes the shorter girl furrow her brows as she looks between the couple not knowing about the actions that took place the night to keep Bella warm through the storm.

"Definitely won't make my list of top ten favourite evenings." Natalia stays a couple steps away from the pair deciding that it would be best if they got privacy and asking Edward later what happened.

"You have a list?" Asked Bella as she looked up at Edward with a small smile.

"All ten I spent with you. Number one is when you said you'd marry me... Mrs. Cullen." A smile forms itself on Natalia's cherry lips at the sound of the two getting married. She already, of course, knew the two were going to get married but hearing this is still quite new to her.

"This is the 21st century. I at least wanna hyphenate my name." What Bella yet didn't notice but the two vampires did was that Jacob had just arrived and heard the news that the pair was planning on getting married. Natalia felt sorry for the boy when she saw his pained look, she knew full well that at the end of this rocky love triangle at least one of the boys would be hurt.

"You're marrying him?" Bella quickly walked a couple of steps towards the boy with a shocked and guilty expression on her face not expecting Jacob to hear the conversation between them.

"Jake, I... You knew he was listening!" Tearing her eyes off Jacob Natalia looked over at Bella with furrowed brows. It was just as much of Bella's fault as Edward's. If she had been honest with Jacob since the beginning they wouldn't even be in this situation.

"He deserves to know." Bella looked back at Natalia when the blonde said that with an uncertain look, but Jacob was having enough of it and ran off with Bella going after him only to have Edward grab her arm.

"Jake, stop!" Edward was the first to speak when Bella called out for Jake.

"Bella, let him."

"Don't!" Bella runs off after Jacob leaving a frozen Edward standing in a spot. "Jacob stop!"

Natalia looks back up at her brother with a calculated look as he keeps his eyes on Bella's departing figure.

"What happened last night?" His sister's voice made Edward snap out of this thought and look back at his sister sighing.

"To ensure that Bella was kept warm through the night she had to hug Jacob so his warmth would radiate onto her." Natalia looked away from her brother and back in the direction, the human girl went humming.

"I always knew it would come to this, but what worries me the most is that this love triangle is not going to end with you marrying her. I hope you know that." Edward's eyes hardened and he looked like he just got a lump in his throat stopping him from speaking. 

"Yes, and them kissing only confirms it." Taken back by the last part Natalia's eyes widen, she didn't know how to feel about Bella sharing a kiss with Jacob, she could see it hurt her brother but she could also see that he wasn't holding it against her, and if her brother wasn't why should she? The sound of Bella coming back made the blonde look in her direction. Although Bella often walked rather shyly this time her posture was more slumped. It was hard to figure out it if was because she was scared of Edward's reaction or Natalia's.

Taking her eyes off Bella Natalia looks over at Edward nodding. "I'll leave you alone." Stepping in the direction of the woods Natalia looked back at Bella one last time to see her showing the blonde a small smile which Natalia returned before heading off.

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