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Natalia was never afraid of death. In fact, She found death intriguing. Where will she go? Will she be a ghost, or will she sleep forever? Or will she become one with the stars?

She doesn't know what she will face when she meets death, no one does, and this should scare her. But it just doesn't, because it's a mystery, and she loves mysteries.

Death is a painful truth is what some say. For her Death is a foggy road, and we must get through that fog called life to finally see the clearing. It's yet another path to walk, and who is to say it will be our last?

Life may be the beginning, but who is to say Death is our last path? What if Death is the middle of the story, and you have to read through that to get to a place beyond death? Is there a place beyond death?

But death isn't always portrayed as a thing, sometimes it's portrayed as a body or a shadow that lurks in the dark that crawls under little children's beds and is always there. He is always there, following you and the closer he gets the sooner he will take you as his own. He is the ghost that people fear and he is the tormentor of the many corpses claimed by death. You know when your time is nearing its end because you can feel the chill of his icy breath as it tickles the hairs on the back of your neck.

The way she looked at death made her stronger in some sense because she had her fair share of pain, maybe more than a lot of people she met. She's seen how it changed people, she saw with her two eyes how people she loved changed into the monsters they are now, she saw how people who were monsters changed into wonderful people they are now. She saw how it broke bonds that were made to last, she saw how the guilty won and the innocent lost.

Pain? Yes, she has seen pain but she's not bitter.

Because she knows that there's still happiness and love, maybe life isn't fair or easy. But when life hits her, she hits life harder. When life brings her down, she stands up higher than ever. She knows that pain won't last forever and that someday, it all will make sense because she has also seen happiness and that is why she isn't panicking or scared

So as Natalia stayed tied by the branches that were slowly getting tighter around her like a boa constrictor all she could do was close her eyes as she felt the aching pain in her lungs expands. It's not like she would have been able to use her powers right now, it seemed right now that Lyanna knew everything there was about her powers because they were surrounded by nothing but trees.

And trees are Lyanne's thing.

Maybe if she was still a newborn this would have looked different, back when she was still a newborn her powers were strongly affected by her emotions because she wouldn't be able to fully control it. But after many years of training, she realized a change in her mood wouldn't make any nearby object move.

Lyanne watched with happy eyes, she was enjoying this. She could have killed the blonde with just one flick of a wrist, she could have killed her off in just a second.

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