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Natalia may have been innocent and naive but she wasn't stupid. The years she has spent on the earth made her stronger and smarter while not changing her. So when the blonde saw the looks Bella and Jacob gave each other she knew what they meant. Something must have happened between them while they were gone to make Bella develop these feelings.

She doesn't blame Bella though, she understood that Edward broke up with Bella and she was free to be with anyone she wished but the blonde just didn't think it would have happened, at least not this fast. What Bella and Edward have isn't some kind of teen love but pure love. They were soul mates.

As she walked out of Bella's house she saw Alice leaning against the house with an unreadable expression.

"If Edward saw him he would have not been pleased." Natalia's voice caused Alice to get out of her thoughts before looking back at Natalia with a teasing look.

"It would have ended up with one of them having the others head over their fireplace." Natalia laughed leaning against the wall while closing her eyes and sighing. Alice looked over her sister with a concerned look. She has been quieter since she came back from New Orleans and it worried Alice.

"Natalia?" A soft hum could be heard from the blonde as a reply that she was listening.

"Are you alright? You have been uncharacteristically non-hyperverbal." Natalia chuckled lightly keeping her eyes closed.

"I won't lie to you, Alice. I honestly don't know how I'm feeling. When I was in New Orleans I thought that I saw something. It made me so excited, it was like my heart had come back to my chest and started beating again... In a very long time, I felt alive again." Natalia took a deep breath opening her eyes to see Alice's golden eyes show concern. "And then... All those feelings were gone and I felt dead again."

"I know you may seem like this feeling will never pass but it will. I know because I saw you being happy in the future-" Alice froze getting a vision making Natalia straighten and look over Alice concerned.

"Alice? Is Everything okay?" Alice sucked in a breath wide-eyed shaking her head.

" it's Edward he thinks Bella killed herself...Rosalie told him why we came here..he went to the Volturi." That was all the blonde needed to know before running back into the house. She's lived so many years with the Volturi that she knew exactly what that meant and there was no chance she was letting him die.

Natalia barged into the kitchen with wide eyes scaring Bella.

"Bella! Bella, it's Edward. He thinks you're dead. Rosalie told him why we came here." Pure anger flashed through Bella's eyes. The two looked back at Jacob with Bella looking at him with anger.

"Why would yo- Why didn't you let me speak to him?!" The two were practically in each other's faces scaring the blonde knowing what werewolves were capable of. Natalia grabbed Bella's arm gently.

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