Tea Cup

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Couple Months Later...

The sunlight entered gently through the balcony shining directly at the blonde girl. She sat peacefully in the white chair with a fluffy white cat sleeping in her lap she gently petting it causing him to purr which was the only sound besides the clocks ticking that was filling the silent room.

 In between her and the other matching chair that was facing the balcony stood a small table with a single cup filled with tea with its steam visibly lifting into the air. The cup itself was white with golden flexes appearing in some places.

Obviously, the cup of tea wasn't for her but was waiting for someone that hasn't come yet. Natalia smiled as the sun shined directly on her face, she couldn't feel the warmth radiating off it but it still felt good. 

The house was never this quiet. It would usually be filled with Ace's and Seth's snarky comments towards each other with Jeremy's input from time to time and of course Althea's comments about how tired she was from all of them.

Of course, those comments that would be shared between the vampire and werewolf weren't actually harmful, in some sense, you could say they acted like siblings towards each other. Whenever Natalia asked Ace about it he would roll his eyes and say definitely no I can barely stand the dog. But Natalia could see right through him, he always wanted to act like this cold-hearted man but there was good in him, whether he liked it or not he cared about the people around him.

The reason why they had gotten so close might have been because Ace had older brothers in the past but their relationship was always cold, it was more like they were roommates rather than brothers. And with Seth, he has an older sister that he loves dearly but it's different, a good different. So Seth and Ace becoming so close more so came from the need for this brotherly love that they both lacked but could get from the other.

As of right now Jeremy and Ace took Seth for a 'boy's day out' Natalia didn't even ask where they would be taking the boy because she knew better than to ask. She was thankful enough that the boys were taking him out. He hasn't been completely him since they left Forks. He tried to smile in front of Natalia and show her that everything was great but the blonde knew better than to believe it. His smiles weren't fully there, his normally happy smile with big dimples on both sides of his cheeks was replaced with a sad one with his eyes showing how much he had missed Christina.

Suddenly the gentle sound of someone knocking on the door made Natalia look away from the sky and be thrown out of her thoughts. It sounded like whoever was knocking on the door was nervous, rethinking their decision. Natalia being a vampire was still able to hear the knock and already smell the incoming person knowing already who it was. Natalia's eyes scan quickly over the clock that's hanging on the wall and she chuckles lightly.

"She's late... you're getting old Alice..." Standing lightly from the chair Natalia gently took the cat off her lap and placed the still-sleeping cat on the chair and calmly walked in the direction of the door. Natalia, of course, was expecting this 'unexpected guest per se' Alice had called her a couple of days ago telling her in advance that this would happen.

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