Sweet Pea: Innocent

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When the sheriff busted into the Swords and Serpents meeting, you jumped and almost fell off of the desk you were sitting on. Sweet Pea chuckled until the sheriff turned and glared at him. "You, come with me now," he deadpanned, Sweet Pea's face morphing into a solid expression.

"What did he do?" Jughead asked, stepping in between the two as they stared each other down. "Bring him in boys," the sheriff said as two other cops brought in a bruised up kid. His letterman jacket was stained with blood and dirt, huge bruises everywhere on his body.

"So you automatically assume it was a serpent?" Jughead asked, automatically upset they went straight for the serpents. "People say they saw a serpent jacket run from the scene."

"It was me," you said as you stood up. Everyone looked at you with confused looks, some turning into shock. "The dick of a bulldog groped me and I fucked him up," part of it was true, part of it wasn't.

Yes, he tried groping you but you hadn't beat him up. Sweet Pea was the one who caused the bruises after you told him what happened, no one else knew what happened cause you didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"We know you didn't do this, so don't lie to us," the sheriff said, his eyes skeptical. Normally, they would've thrown you in cuffs and dragged you away but everyone in Riverdale knew you wouldn't even hurt a fly.

"I did it. So, stop blaming a completely innocent person and do what you need to," you said as you walked up to the sheriff. He glanced back at Sweet Pea, who was watching the scene in complete shock, before he put you in cuffs.

As you were being dragged away, Sweet Pea jumped out of his chair. Since you confessed, they had no choice but to take you in. "She didn't do it and you pigs know that!"He shouted as Fangs and another young serpent held him back.

When you were put in the cop car, they finally let Pea go. All of them watched as he stormed out of the building, Jughead following as Toni and Fangs took over the meeting.

The two boys sped to the Whyte Wyrm, looking for Fp. Once they reached him, he started to ask a million questions. "(Y/N) is in jail," as soon as those words left Jugheads mouth, the Wyrm fell silent. Fp gave the boys a confused look.

"We'll explain later," Jughead said as Sweet Pea was already making his way back out of the bar. The two Jones followed him to the station, ready to riot to get you back.

"We can't just let her go, Fp. And you know that," Sherrif Keller said as he tried to reason with the pissed serpent leader. "She wouldn't even hurt a fly and you know that!" Sweet Pea shouted, his anger rising.

As people watched the ongoing scene, the bulldog from earlier walked in with his parents. Sherrif Keller excused himself from the angry serpents and went to talk with the family.

After a while of talking, the family decided to not press charges seeing as their son was in the wrong. "You're lucky it wasn't me that beat your ass," the mom said as she led her beat up son out of the station, the serpents laughing as the mom kept whispering how she was going to deal with him.

"You're lucky the family didn't want to press charges," Sherrif Keller said as he led you out to Sweet Pea. A small smile fell across your face as he pat your back before disappearing. Once Sweet Pea saw you, he pulled you into a hug.

"Why did you take the blame for me?" Sweet Pea asked once they left the station. "Cause I knew if you confessed they would have tried to sue out the ass and none of us need that. Plus it was kinda funny to see their face when I said I did it."

"How about you let him take the blame next time, he's more suited for a prison," Jughead said as the three of you walked up to Toni and Fangs. The small girl jumped when you sat down next to her, making you laugh.

"(Y/N)! What even happened?" Fangs asked, curious. "Well, I was in a holding cell until the parents came in and once I told them what their son did they decided to not press charges." "But why did you take the blame for idiot over there?" A chuckle escaped your mouth as Sweet Pea flipped off Fangs.

"I knew they would've charged him out the ass so, and it's not like they can deny a confession. Plus, I'm totally strong enough to fuck some shit up," everyone laughed as you finished, making you pout. "Rude," you mumbled as they kept laughing.

"Sure you are baby," Sweet Pea mumbled as he pulled you to his chest, you leaning into him.

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