sea monster

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"You need to eat."

Seonghwa nudges a bowl of fish stew towards you. It's piping hot and steaming, you cradle it gratefully with your fingers.

Since you've woken up in San's cabin a few days ago, you've taken a few days under the Treasure's healer's care to recover from the fever brought on by your infection. San has been nothing but kind to you, even allowing you to sit in the sickbay and watch him while he tends to patients.

Many of the pirates come in and out for check ups on previous wounds, a healing sword gash, an amputated finger. You watch the healer bustle about at work, speaking in a soft, quiet tone when tending to them and making silly jokes to distract them from the pain. His dimpled smile and silly behaviour is somewhat familiar to you now, you can even recognise his whistling from the cabin. Maybe it's because he is the only person you have on this ship, so you stick to San's side as much as possible.

The Treasure has already left the cove, sailing out into the open sea once more. San tells you that they are sailing along the coast of Hispaniola to reach Tortuga, but these waters are close to the pirate town Tortuga and the Royal Navy fleets patrol the area to sink any unsuspecting pirates. Their captain has chosen to stay further from land, where the Navy's fleets can conceal themselves from sight and carry out an ambush on them.

When San brought you onto the main deck the last few days so you could stretch your limbs and breathe some fresh air, all you've seen for miles is blue, unending ocean. Being able to walk freely on deck with San's conversation instead of Mingi's watchful eye is one of your few joys on this ship.

Today, however, San wants Seonghwa to bring you onto deck.

Your chest is bound, of course, and San swears that no one else on board besides him knows that you are a woman. Women are considered bad luck on ships, and even though San has reassured you that Hongjoong doesn't believe in silly superstitions, you'd rather not give him another reason to toss you to the sharks. San has agreed to keep your secret, but still, with Seonghwa supporting you, he might notice something.

"Seonghwa's smart, but when it comes to stuff like this, he can be pretty blind. Don't worry about it too much." San had told you in the morning. You decide to trust him on this.

So you take the fish stew in your hands and drink it. You were surprised at first, you thought pirates would have terrible cooking skills, but Seonghwa's food has always been rich, hearty and filling. With his intense stare on you as you eat, however, you find it difficult to swallow the food.

"Is there something you need?" You ask after narrowly avoiding choking for the third time. Seonghwa's expression is unreadable, unnerving. You don't expect anything good to leave his mouth.

"I'm sorry."

At that, you do choke and Seonghwa immediately panics, grabbing a cloth from his pocket and offering it to you. You wave it away, hacking and thumping your chest, careful to avoid where the tiny crystal rests underneath the oversized tunic San lent you.

"What for?" You cough as you set down the bowl, reaching for a mug of green tea on the table. As much as you disliked the drink at first, after being force fed it by San so many times, you've come to enjoy its mild, earthy flavour. Seonghwa inhales deeply, as if preparing to say something life altering.

"I'd like to apologize for not noticing your wound sooner." He bows his head in genuine apology, much to your shock. "I should have realised that you were injured and reported it to Hongjoong earlier. If I did, you wouldn't have fallen ill-"

You're so dumbstruck that you simply stare at him with your mouth hanging wide open. Yeah, he didn't notice, but it wasn't his fault at all. Even if he had noticed, and hadn't done anything to help you, you couldn't blame him. He wasn't obligated to help you in any way.

pirate king (pirate!au) ➵ ateez ✔️Where stories live. Discover now