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How did you end up in this situation?

Cobblestone under your feet, smoke in your eyes and sandwiched uncomfortably between two men. When you look to your left, the purple haired gunner grins easily and the arm slung over your shoulder tightens, sending you into some form of secret-to-hide panic. When you turn to the right, Jongho merely looks away, your mind coming up with a hundred and one reasons why he hates you.

After treating Jongho's wound, the quartermaster, Mingi, had announced that the ship had finally arrived in the pirate town of Tortuga. San had brought you up to the forecastle deck, where you watched civilized land come into sight for the first time since your awakening.

The ship had docked in one of the empty piers, much to the excitement of the crew. You knew many of them loved the ocean, it was their home, but you had to admit that seeing the same thing for weeks had to get boring after a while. It was also difficult to bring fresh food onto ship as it spoilt fast, so most of the ship had been buzzing excitedly about all the delicacies they would eat once they had the chance to explore the town.

But you had a different mission.

After Mingi had gone to the docks to settle the toll, San had pulled you to the side. You frowned at him as he produced a long list from his pocket.

"Uh, Master, what is that?"

"I need you to go shopping in town for me." The healer had told you, pressing the list into your hands. You immediately started to panic.

"Me? Master, I can't! I barely know my way around the ship, let alone a new town I've never been to!"

Your reasoning fell on deaf ears.

"It'll be fine! I'll have Jongho follow you, he's going into town as well for some shopping." San chirped happily as he pulled a coin pouch from the inner folds of his shirt. You stared at him in abject horror as the coins clinked in your hand.

"Master! You can't send me with... with Jongho-hyung! Why don't you send Seonghwa-hyung or Yeosang-hyung instead?"

No way. No way in hell were you going to be with the young battlemaster for long, extended periods of time. He'd probably "accidentally" lose you in town somewhere as revenge for shooting him on accident and you had no wish to die a terrible death in some dank, dirty alley.

San had cocked his head at you curiously. "Seonghwa-hyung is busy fixing the ship as the head carpenter on board. Yeosangie is helping Mingi negotiate for a lower price to pay for the toll. I need to stay here to treat the wounded and Jongho can't tell a marigold poultice from marmalade." Then the corners of his eyes crinkled a little and he gave you a sly grin. "Or is there any reason why you don't want to be alone with Jongho?"

You glared at him. Your master must have felt the tension in the room between you and the young battlemaster earlier, and now he was just milking it for all it was worth instead of helping you out.

San had laughed at the sour look on your face and relented a little. "Alright, alright. How about this? I'll send Wooyoungie with you and Jongho."

"Send who with me now?" You were utterly confused. The healer sighed.

"The head gunner?" He tried to jog your memory, gesturing wildly with his hands as if that would aid you in remembering anything. "The one with the dolphin laugh? The purple haired one?"

"Him?" You were sent into a moment of panic, flailing your arms desperately. "But I don't know him either!"

San clapped, the sounds starting to get annoyingly loud. "All the better! You can finally get to know more of your crew mates!" He steered you by the shoulders towards the gangplank, which had been lowered for the crew to disembark the ship, all while ignoring your cries of protest. "Just wait there for Jongho and Wooyoung!"

pirate king (pirate!au) ➵ ateez ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora