got you

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"Run!" Wooyoung grabs you by the arm and yanks you out of the room, but once you're out of the door you see a squadron of armed guards making their way towards the commotion. They see the two of you from opposite the building.

"Get them!" The man you presume to be the leader shouts and you wince.

Wooyoung curses under his breath and yanks you back down the corridor, both of your feet thundering on the floorboards. Your heart is hammering in your chest like you're about to die, which you do think you might, actually. Adrenaline speeds through your veins, setting your limbs on fire, and the two of you round the corner only to meet the two guards from the courtyard with swords drawn.

You and Wooyoung manage to unsheathe your cutlasses just in time to block the overhead swings and your joined hands tear apart.

Dodging the point of the guard's sword, you kick him in the center of the chest, sending him sprawling back against the balustrade. He manages to knock your cutlass from your hands, sending it tumbling over the railing onto the ground below, but you don't have the time to mourn its loss. You take the opportunity to side stamp his knee, immobilizing him with a broken leg and turn back to look at Wooyoung.

To your horror, he's struggling with his guard, a massively built man with bulging muscles. The guard has Wooyoung pinned against the wall, and all the gunner can do is to keep the point of the sword from piercing his neck, arms trembling from the strain.

You don't have time to think.

Dashing forward, you reach for your belt and draw the next most lethal thing you have, before jumping and clinging onto the man's back with your arms around his neck. He roars in fury and tries to throw you off, but before he can, you raise the silver hairpin and jab it into the back of his neck.

The man screams in agony, crumpling to his knees, and Wooyoung takes a second to be impressed.

"Damn, that was not what I had in mind when I gave it to you."

You give him an incredulous look as you shove the hairpin back in your belt. The other group of guards are getting closer and closer. Luckily for you, the hallway is rather narrow so it's difficult for the guards to make their way through, but this isn't going to hold them off for long. "This isn't the time for that! Let's go!"

He takes you by the hand again and the two of you continue your mad dash for safety. Then you hear the captain shout a command that freezes the blood in your veins.


Wooyoung throws you to the side, diving for cover, but you're not lucky enough. Shot slams into the pillar you and Wooyoung are crouched behind, but a musket ball smashes into your ankle, and in that single moment, you're in hell. Pain as shoots across your leg like raw fire licking at your skin, and for a second, you just wonder how on earth anything can hurt this bad. A whimper leaves your mouth.

"Chin Hae!" Wooyoung cries in horror, rushing over to help you, but the moment he sees your foot, his face goes ashen in worry. "Oh, mother of gods..."

You immediately stop yourself from looking at it lest you throw up at the sight.

Even through the blinding agony, you understand what needs to happen. Your leg is absolutely wrecked, and there is no way you'll be able to run to the harbour, even if you did make it down the grappling rope somehow. If you remain with Wooyoung, you'll only be a burden to him.

And this mess is all your fault.

You glare at him through the tormenting pain. "Go, idiot! Run!"

Wooyoung ignores you, slinging your arm over his shoulder as he pulls you upright, forcing himself to ignore your low cry of anguish. "Yeah, fat chance. If I get back to the ship without you, captain will shoot me himself anyway, so I might as well die here with you. At least they'll kill me faster."

pirate king (pirate!au) ➵ ateez ✔️Where stories live. Discover now