dark tides

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Being back with your master makes dying a lot better.

Make no mistake, it's still awful, but it's a lot more bearable now, at least. Now, you can wake up in the middle of the night with blood trickling from your nose, and have a warm hand wipe it away with aching tenderness instead of curling up on yourself alone in the darkness, trying to stop the flow with trembling fingers. San's eyes brim with sorrow in the light of the half moon, but he smiles the best he can, offers you a cloth, and holds you making small talk until it stops.

Still, it helps that he's there.

You've forgotten what it's like to rely on someone.

You're sitting inside the infirmary one day, ship rocking gently upon the waves as you attempt to slide the end of a length of thread through the needle's eye, but the ship rocks upon a sudden wave and you pout as you miss for the umpteenth time. But before you can try again, your master reaches over from where he's reading a massive codex about deadly illnesses to pluck the needle and thread from you. With a deft flash of the hand and years of practice in his sharp eyes, he slides it through easily and passes it back to you, going back to his book.

You smile gratefully, return to your task. The two of you sit quietly, enjoying the warmth of each other's company with the silence only punctuated by the occasional flipping of pages of San's book. You're about to end off the sewing by tying the thread into a knot when there's a sudden knock on the door.

Jumping, you turn to stare at the door with wide eyes just as it opens to reveal your captain standing at the other side. You dive to throw your half-completed needlework under the covers before your captain steps into the room, and the second he does, he gives you a warm grin.

"Ah, Chin Hae! Just the person I wanted to see." Hongjoong says, rubbing his hands together and you give your master a questioning look, which he only returns with a shrug of the shoulders. "Are you free?"

"Y-yeah." You fumble a little awkwardly, trying hard not to let your eyes stray to the tip of red fur peeking out from beneath the sheets. Would it be more suspicious to move it or leave it be, you lament to yourself, but thankfully, your captain doesn't seem to notice anything amiss.

"I want to bring you around town today." He declares and you choke, almost immediately. San hurries over to you to smack your back a few times, but you wave him off, muttering reassurances to him under your breath, and Hongjoong merely looks confused. "Do you not want to go out?" He adds, but you shake your head.

"No... I do, it's just that..." Your voice trails off, there's no reason to disagree. Although you're a little worried about going out with your captain with how your... condition is, you can find no excuse, so you manage a smile and a nod. "Yeah, I'll come with you. But why me specifically, captain?"

"Call me Hongjoong." He replies instantly, but answers. "I wanted to bring Yeosang and Yunho out and about a little for some unwinding since the three of you have been through so much the past few days, but Yeosang is still poring over the maps he bought at that last village and Yunho-"

"Ate too much grilled squid and now has a tummy ache." You finish for him, mildly concerned for your fellow crew mate but also equally amused. San lets out a little snort of laughter from where he's sitting beside you, arms crossed over his chest. "I told him so." He says snidely, and you giggle.

"Anyways, would you like to go?" Hongjoong asks. His smile is still warm, tinged with a little hopefulness, and you find yourself nodding alone already. Next to you, San rises to his feet, stretching his arms above his head. "I'm coming too."

"Oh?" You ask. "Why?"

"I've got something I need to pick up from the apothecary." He tells you, eyes unreadable as he glances at your captain. You cock your head to the side in confusion. "I'm sure it won't be any trouble if I tag along, captain?"

"None at all." Hongjoong reassures. He glances between the two of you before he gives a small smile. "I'll let the two of you gather the things you need before I meet you at the gangplank, alright?"

You nod, and then Hongjoong is stepping out of the room, leaving the two of you in silence. When the door finally clicks, you turn around to give your master a befuddled look. "Why are you suddenly coming with us? Didn't you just do a stock inventory yesterday and say that you had bought too many herbs on impulse and now they won't fit into the jars?"

San sighs, steps up to place both hands on your shoulder. "I'm going because of you, apprentice. Your nosebleeds have been gotten more frequent, and I've been timing the intervals they occur with the passage of the sun. Didn't you want to hide this from captain?" His eyes bore into yours and you nod slowly. "Well, in a few more hours should be the time you get another, and while I do not know how accurate this is, we should be wary. I'll help cover for you if anything happens."

Your heart warms, and a corner of your mouth tilts up in gratitude. "Thank you, master." You squeeze one of his hands, before reaching over to pick up his satchel and toss it to him. "Come on. Let's go."

The two of you head outside, your master closing the door securely behind him. At the gangplank, your captain awaits, hands behind his back. He seems to have removed his red jacket, presumably to blend in better with the locals. "Shall we go?"

The first step onto dry land has you reeling.

At the contact of your boot with the pier, there's a sudden nauseating feeling in your gut that has you gripping the hand of your master's hand tight for a second. You nearly stumble, eyes pinching shut as waves of dizziness roll over you, threatening to capsize you. Images flash through your mind, a man with unearthly bright green eyes, sinking into the waves and endless darkness...

"Chin Hae, Chin Hae, are you alright?" Hongjoong taps on your arm lightly and you shake your head, trying to get rid of the ringing in your head. Thankfully, it dies into a dull ache and you simply wave your captain off, taking another step. "Oh, nothing, just a little vertigo." You answer, gripping your master's hand tight. With a tight smile, you point at the little shop houses leading into the streets. "Come on, let's go!"

Your captain doesn't seem wholly convinced that you're fine, but you set off at a quick pace so that he can't see your expression. Next to you, San gives your arm a soft tug, eyes brimming with worry. "Are you alright?"

His voice is a hushed whisper, but you hear it all the same. You try for a reassuring smile. "I'm fine." You say, waving him off. There's a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that you don't quite like, but perhaps you too, have eaten one too many grilled squids the night before. Your feet almost reach the end of the harbor when you turn around to glance at your captain to make sure he's following you. To your surprise, he's simply standing there, back turned to you, facing the docks from which you had come.

"Hongjoong-hyung?" San calls out to him, a little confused, but your captain doesn't even seem to hear the healer. Instead, he merely moves out further back from where you had come. Your master shares a confused glance with you, before the two of you step towards him, San laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Captain, what's going on?" You ask, confused, but your captain merely points down the harbor, jaw clenched. "I can't see properly," he says harshly, one hand dragging over his covered eye. "Chin Hae, San, tell me what's that ship there."

San frowns, squints down the port. "A... white ship?" There's a moment of silence, and you tilt your head to stare at the direction your master is looking at. A white ship? Indeed, there is a white ship docking next to the Treasure, but what's the significance?

"A white ship..." Your master lets the words roll on his tongue. "A white ship..." It takes a second, another, before his mouth falls open in horror, entire face draining of blood. "A white ship."

You're still confused, but then Hongjoong immediately grabs you and San by the arms, running full speed back towards the Treasure and you yelp in surprise, barely managing to stumble after them.

"What's going on?" You shout at San, eyebrows furrowed, and he only gives you one answer, grim as the storm clouds approaching from the sea.

The tides bring both the good and the bad.


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