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You're standing at the bulwarks as you watch the crew preparing to storm the island.

The main deck is in a flurry of activity, the pirates gathering weapons and priming muskets. Even you aren't spared from the hard work, you're helping the men pack gunpowder into tiny bags for them to bring when they head ashore. There's a sense of unease hanging heavily in the air, a prickling feeling creeping across everyone's skin as they all take turns to glance worriedly at the approaching island, the ominous shape of it looming against the night sky like a harrowing nightmare.

Something uncomfortable lingers, tangible paranoia slithering over you.

"Are you worried?"

You don't need to turn around to know who it is. Your master appears at your elbow, one arm slipping around your shoulders to pull you close. A sigh leaves your lips and you lean into his embrace, taking comfort in his warmth, inhaling the scent of wildflowers and herbs lingering on his skin. The familiar smell calms you down, if only a little.

"Yeah." You answer honestly as Mingi commands a group of men to lower the anchor. The Treasure is set to be moored just off the eastern coast of the island, the only place where the waters are deep enough for the ship to be anchored without being beached. The plan, carefully laid out by Hongjoong, is for majority of the crew to disembark the ship and split into two teams. The first group is to ascend the hill located in the centre of the island as fast as possible, find Commander Kang or Jeong Gunho, get the antidote and bring it to Yunho as fast as possible. This team would be led by Jongho.

The role of the second team is to sweep through the forested area of the hill and take out any... unpleasant surprises there and keep the first team safe. This group would be under by Mingi and... Wooyoung.

You glance behind your shoulder to see Wooyoung sitting against the bulwarks alone, purple hair falling into eyes dark and silent as he focuses on lacing up his boots, primed muskets and small blades strapped all over his body, completely unaware of your gaze on him.

Something sinks in your chest when you look at him.

Wooyoung hasn't spoken to you since that day on the mast and it's been weighing on your mind almost as heavily as Yunho's plight. You know, you know that you shouldn't be so selfish, that you shouldn't be thinking of the problems in your friendship with Wooyoung at a time like this, but you can't help it. Over these last few days, there's been a sinking feeling in your chest as you hope that maybe he'll just speak to you, just look at you in the eye, but all your hopes have been for naught.

You sigh, and it's at this moment that someone else steps up behind your shoulder.

"You alright, Chin Hae?" Hongjoong's voice is steady, but you can see the genuine concern in his eye. You nod awkwardly as San's arm tightens around your shoulder, trying to provide you with some comfort, but at this point, you don't think anyone could give you any semblance of relief. You're too worried, too tense, and even though you're not the one physically going onto the island, you're just as worried as any of the boarding party.

What if the antidote isn't there?

What if the boarding party is overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the Royal Navy's crew? From what Hongjoong had told you, a Royal Navy frigate like the Black Crow carries large numbers on board.

What if... what if they die?

"I have a bad feeling that I missed out something in the plan..." Hongjoong mumbles under his breath and San clips his captain over the head, causing the older man to yelp in pain, scowling at his crew member.

"San! What in the depths of hell was that for?" Your master groans in exasperation and buries his face in his hands.

"You're not helping things, you know!" San scolds his captain and Hongjoong looks like he's just been smacked across the face, nearly shrinking into himself at San's chastising. You'd find the sight hilarious had it not been for the circumstances you are in, the nerves weighing in your gut too heavy for you to even force out an amused smile.

pirate king (pirate!au) ➵ ateez ✔️Where stories live. Discover now