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You and Wooyoung are sitting in the rigging, staring out to sea.

The Treasure has left Tortuga for a few days now, sailing in the open sea for the town of Nassau. From what Wooyoung has told you, Nassau, Seonghwa's hometown, used to be a port thriving with pirate activity... until one day, the Royal Navy decided retake the town from the pirates. Pirate ships were burnt to the ground, the crews hung at the gallows and anyone associated with them brought in for questioning.

It is during that purge that Seonghwa's parents were killed.

Seonghwa has finally left the confines of the galley, escorted to the sickbay to sleep and rest. Yunho is keeping a vigil beside Seonghwa, while you've taken over his cooking duties and Yunho's lookout role. You may not be as well suited to the job as the two of them are, but it's the most you can do for being to blame for Seonghwa's condition.

If only you had known what to do.

You shake your head, squeezing your eyes shut.

If only you hadn't let the herbs be stolen.

You know it's stupid, but the thoughts won't stop echoing in your head.

If only you hadn't gone out to celebrate your name.

You chew your lips.

If only you hadn't come to this ship.

Guilt tears at you from the inside like the teeth of a piranha. The pain is all too acute, all to real.


You're jerked back from your thoughts by Wooyoung, who's grinning at you. Somehow, the head gunner has pushed past the air of gloom surrounding the ship, managing to keep a broad smile on his face despite the weight on everyone's shoulders. How he's doing it, you don't know, but part of you resents how easily he can seem to forget that Seonghwa is still in the sickbay, struggling to block out the voices of his dead family from his ears while all of you are absolutely powerless to help.

Even now, Seonghwa's still refusing the sleeping incense, but Yeosang has given given him back the steak plushie, which he hugs to sleep every night. Jongho helps by singing his hyung to sleep. San mixes relaxing teas for him. Captain and Mingi studying the overlay of Nassau, trying to find the most inconspicuous way they can enter the town without garnering the attention of the authorities.

It's only you and Wooyoung who can do nothing. And the guilt you feel is swallowing you whole.

Wooyoung suddenly leans forward, shackles clanging as he uses his fingers to turn your mouth up in smile. "I'm sure captain and Mingi will think of something. We'll help Seonghwa-hyung and everything will be fine soon. Don't be sad."

Anger rushes forth.

"Don't be sad?" You snap, smacking his hand away. Wooyoung looks visibly wounded, pain flashing across his face as his hand falls to his side, but you're too caught up in your fury to notice. "Seonghwa-hyung is in this state and you have the gall to smile and act happy?"

Something in Wooyoung's normally bright viridescent eyes darkens suddenly as he silently watches you rant.

"I hate how you're still so happy go lucky! It's like you don't understand what it's like to lose someone even though you've had family like Jongho-hyung and Yunho-hyung!" You continue raving, not seeing the way Wooyoung's fingers clench so tight around the ropes his knuckles turn bloodless. " I'm the only one who has no family, alright? I'm not like all of you, I don't know what it's like, but you've had family before, so shouldn't you try to be more understanding?"

pirate king (pirate!au) ➵ ateez ✔️Where stories live. Discover now