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The blade seems to sing in the ghostly light of the half moon as you take one step, then another, down the length of the ship. The deck seems to have been vacated, silent and empty, but you're screaming inside your mind for someone, anyone, to step out and see what you're doing - to stop you from what you're about to do.

No one does. All you hear is the sound of the sea, waves lapping against the shore, pulling your mind into a trance like quicksand, impossible to escape from. You take another step forward, and just like that, and you're at the door to the captain's cabin - the light from the lamps inside flickering across your face.

One step away from committing an unforgivable sin.

You raise your hand to the door, knocking three times, the other clutching the blade behind your back.

Please don't respond, you beg, screaming through the haze of your mind. You feel like you're merely watching your actions play out in front of you, completely unable to control your body in the least. Keep seeing me as a monster, be afraid of me. Don't open the door!

The door swings open.

There he stands in the doorway, eyes tired, but a gentle smile on his face. You would rather it be twisted with wariness, with hate, with anything but that guileless expression. Your fingers tighten around the handle, the carved decorations carved into steel digging into your skin.

"Kill the human captain, and return to whence you came."

When he sees you, he steps back, holding the door open a little wider so that you can come in. You curse yourself, desperately trying to resist the powerful magic of the reflection in the water, but your feet start to move forward of their own accord.

"Yeosang decided to bed down with Wooyoung in the hammocks tonight, to give me some time alone to think." Hongjoong says, closing the door behind the two of you as you turn around to face him, effectively hiding the blade with your body. "I just... It's good that you came. There's much..." He hesitates, taking you in with his one good eye, unfathomable sorrow flickering in its depths. "There's much that we need to talk about."

You don't say a word, lips clamped firmly shut. Your mind, however, screams with the effort to move your mouth, a warning, a cry, something!

"About what we were saying earlier, I'm sorry about it." Hongjoong's words are low, regretful as he leans against the table in the middle of the room. Too far for you to stab without alerting him, the dark voice in you whispers. A tiny fraction of relief spills across you. "Jongho doesn't mean any ill will, he was just being cautionary, and-"

"He's not wrong." The words escape your mouth without your permission. "I almost killed someone. It's right for you to be cautious of me."

Hongjoong nods, looking relieved that you understand. It's not me, you want to cry. Get away from me, as fast as you can! "So, what are you going to do about the Royal Navy?"

Hongjoong gives you a faint, little smile. "Well, it might be the last battle that the Treasure will see." He says softly, and you have to strain your ears to catch his words. "There's no other way but to fight, after all."

Dread wells up inside of you. Is there truly no way to save the Treasure? In the end, it's all because of you that the Treasure has gotten mixed up with the Royal Navy in the first place, so what if they could just...

You have no soul, so if the heart of the sea were to be robbed from you, you would cease to exist. All traces of your existence would be wiped from this earth like a blank slate. None of your so called family would be able to remember you, much less your existence nor sacrifice.

pirate king (pirate!au) ➵ ateez ✔️Where stories live. Discover now