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"You shouldn't have done that, Wooyoung-ah."

At the sound of your voice, the head gunner turns away, completely silent, dark anger boiling beneath his skin. He's clearly not in the mood to have a talking to now. But you have no fear, not anymore, anyway, and seat yourself next to him on the bed. Your bed, you realise.

Wooyoung's mouth is pressed in a tight line, edges of his lips curling white in something crossed between a frown and a sneer. There's a big bruise on his cheek, presumably put there by Jongho again, and he's looking away very determinedly, set on not meeting your eye.

Unfortunately for him, your stubbornness more than rivals his own, and you're not about to let him off the hook so easily. He punched his captain, for god's sake. That's not typical Wooyoung behavior. "We can sit here all day, you know? I have all the time in the world."

You really don't (haha brain, very funny joke), but fingers scratch irritably over the cover of your pillow, Wooyoung chancing a quick glance at you before his eyes have flitted elsewhere. The tension is so thick it's practically suffocating the two of you alive, but you're not about to give in anytime soon.

You wait.

Waiting doesn't take long. Wooyoung's personality loves comfortable silences or noise. Awkward silence? Not so much. He opens his mouth once, hesitates, closes it, and opens it again with a swallow.

"How... how's your hand?" He's still not looking at you.

"This?" You raise the empty stump, the phantom itch still throbs strangely. You're strangely calm for someone who's just lost their hand, but knowing death is right on its tail really puts things into perspective. "I'm fine. I was injured by Gunho during the battle and, well, you know the rest." you shrug, turn away yourself. He really doesn't, but it's easier not to go into the specifics.

Wooyoung flinches a little, but you see it. Then an angry growl leaves his chest, fingers digging so hard into your pillow they turn white. "I should have killed that bastard when I had the chance."

"You couldn't have known what he was going to do." You tell him gently, glance out of the porthole and watch the sky outside slowly turn from inky black to midnight blue. Silence lingers between the two of you for a moment before Wooyoung finally puffs out a breath, licks his dry lips.

"How's Captain?"

Your captain snorts a little as you dab water at his nose. "If Wooyoung had been serious about beating me up, I'd have a lot more than a broken nose."

"Well," you shrug, bringing your knees up to your chest, "you nearly broke his nose, gave him five different bruises, very big ones, I may add, and almost gave Master a heart attack." Wooyoung makes a satisfied noise, patting his raw knuckles fondly.

"He deserved that much, at the very least." He mumbles, drags a hand across his face, but he looks relieved. "Five bruises was letting him off too easy." You glance at him for a second, turn back to the world outside, the sky and sea separating as the first hints of day draw a line of light across the horizon. Beyond the heavy wooden door of the sickbay, orders are called, the thud of boots resounding across the deck as the crew rush to carry out said orders.

"I'll be fine, really." You find yourself saying, though he hasn't asked. His eyes find yours and more words start to spill out of your mouth unchecked. "I might have lost a hand, but at least I'm not dead, am I?"

The second you say that, you feel like you've somehow slapped both Wooyoung and yourself in the face, metaphorically, of course. At least I'm not dead, your heart gives a little self deprecating chuckle, and you resist the urge to cut off that loose tongue of yours for its stupidity.

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