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"Master!" You burst into the sickbay, eyes brimming over with tears as you desperately search for that head of green hair that has grown so familiar to you. You ignore the stunned faces of some of the pirates who are getting their wounds treating, the concerned glances that some give you, only to see Seonghwa standing there with a basket of dirty cloths in his arms and a startled look on his face at the commotion.

Then he sees the tears tracks winding down your face and his expression melts into one of horrified concern, he puts the basket down and moves to reach for you.

You simply throw yourself into his arms without waiting for him and sob into his chest, openly weeping in full view of all the pirates in the sickbay. The cook staggers back a couple of steps from the force of your embrace, but manages to upright himself before the two of you go bowling over onto the floor.

Seonghwa is warm. He always has been. Gentle, kind, compassionate and tender-hearted. And you've never been so grateful for a man like him. He lets you cry, hands softly winding in your hair, a little confused as to why it's suddenly several inches shorter and out of its usual braid. You hear Jongho's heavy footsteps behind you on the wooden floor, and his face must say something because Seonghwa's body stiffens, his embrace around you tightening just a little as he folds you into his arms.

"What did you do, Jongho?"

Seonghwa's voice is deliberately neutral. He trusts Jongho, of course. But the last person you were with was indeed the young battlemaster and he knows Jongho is terribly awkward with new people. He wouldn't be surprised if Jongho had said something silly on accident and ended up causing you to get upset.

But Jongho merely exhales uncomfortably, looking down at his boots. "We should talk about this in private." His voice holds no room for argument.

Seonghwa frowns a little at this apparent need for privacy, long fingers gently stroking through your hair as your warm tears soak into his shirt sleeves. "Jihyun, help me call San and tell him to come to his room immediately."

A tall pirate nods, rising to his feet. "Of course, Seonghwa-sunbae." He moves off quickly, disappearing from sight. Seonghwa then puts an arm around your shoulders, sweetly ushering you into the backroom where you've been sleeping for the past couple of weeks and sits you down on San's bed, wiping the tears from your eyes with a tender hand. Jongho follows behind, shutting the door firmly behind you.

You feel weak, boneless, as the words run through your mind again and again on repeat.

"You will never find what you so desperately seek as long as you live."

You reach out a hand. Seonghwa looks puzzled for a moment, but you think the experience must have at least made you and Jongho closer somehow, because he understands immediately and clasps your hands gently, almost timidly in his, as if afraid that you might break if he uses too much force.

Jongho probably could crush a man's skull with his bare hands, but he cradles your hand like it's a newborn baby chick.

"Just before you get the wrong idea, hyung, I didn't do anything." The young battlemaster says firmly, but there is guilt lingering in his voice. You know it's not because he did anything to you, but because he regrets making you visit the fortune teller in the first place.

Seonghwa frowns in confusion as he moves to light the lamp in the room. "Then why is s-" He coughs lightly as the smoke from the lamp gets into his eyes and nose. "Why is he so upset, Jongho?"

You curl up on San's bed, wrapping your arms around yourself as if that can stop you from falling apart.

The maknae opens his mouth to explain, but then San enters the room.

pirate king (pirate!au) ➵ ateez ✔️Where stories live. Discover now