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You plunge into the sea.

For a moment, you twist in the endless expanse of water, arms flailing about as icy cold sea yank every bit of of heat from you. Panic erupts in you as you open your mouth to cry out in shock, but then the same voices from before ring in your ears, more clearly this time underwater.


"Come to us..."

Your head breaks the surface of the waves and you swim as hard as you can for the sirens' call. The sea, previously unrelenting, seems to calm just for you, leaving you an easy path right towards the sirens' rock.

One of them, with a long jeweled tail sparkling in pearly shades of rose and tangerine, reaches a hand out for you, the smile on her face radiant as the rising sun. Two of the sirens at her side with flickering aquamarine tails slide into the water smoothly and swim with the grace of a swan to your side, like dolphins they circle you.

You're lost in the yearning of their gaze, in complete ignorance the roar of the storm above you and the way the sea is heaving all around you. You are captured by the way their own eyes are a deep sea blue, an endless, infinite depth to them.

Then they attack.

One of the sirens lunge for you, cutting straight through the water like a shark. She clings onto your arm and bites down hard on the skin there, it breaks and pain floods through you, wiping the spell from your mind completely.

What are you doing here?

Suddenly desperate, you thrash about in the water, striking the siren hard in the face and she falls back into the water with a furious screech, her beautiful features twisted with fury and hate. You manage to feel a small bit of elation at having fended her off, but the joy at your success doesn't last very long.

The other siren speeds towards you like a sword cutting through the waves, his teeth bared in a snarl. To your horror, you can see fangs in his mouth, each razor sharp and perfectly capable of chomping through your arm in a matter of seconds.

There's no way you can fight something like that off. Instinctively, you raise your arms to protect your face and your eyes squeeze tight, unwilling to look at your own death in the eye as you await the teeth to sink into you.

But it never comes.

Instead, there's the sound of a gunshot and you feel something warm splatter across your face.

Your eyes fly open in shock, only to see the face of the siren who was about to chew right through your neck in a single bite mere inches from yours. Then you see the musket ball buried in the centre of his forehead, still smoking as a thin stream of clear, warm liquid trails from the hole, his startled blue eyes staring right into yours like you're the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

And then his entire body crumbles right before your eyes, melting into seafoam and disappearing with the waves.

The other siren screams and lunges for you once more but she's shot down as well in a matter of seconds. There must be a deadly sharpshooter on the Treasure, because each shot is precise and measured, not a second too late or early. You struggle against the waters, trying to swim back to the ship, but then the siren with the orange tail slides into the sea as well, gliding towards you on the waves with a malevolent gleam in her eye.

Fear shoots through your body. Are you going to die here?

Then a pair of warm arms wrap around you, pulling you protectively against his chest. The blade of a cutlass scythes down at your side, cutting through the arm of the blonde siren as she reaches for you.

pirate king (pirate!au) ➵ ateez ✔️Where stories live. Discover now