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"So it was the prisoner that saw the monster first, huh?"

You're standing on the quarterdeck for the second, shifting from one foot to the other uneasily. The captain eyes you suspiciously once more and like a frightened animal you stand up a little straighter unconsciously.

"Yes, captain." Seonghwa nods seriously. "He saved us all."

Hongjoong then scrutinizes you once more, as if trying to come up with some explanation how the monster could be part of some bizarre plan to infiltrate the ship. Then the lookout, Yunho, steps in.

"He did, Cap'n. Even I couldn't see it."

"Maybe you got lazy and were slacking off on duty, Yunho." Hongjoong gives his crew member a disgruntled look, but Yunho doesn't flare up or get angry, instead just laughs in agreement.

"Of course I was. Everyone gets bored and slacks off during lookout duty." He grins with disarming charm, before his face turns serious once more. "But I have to admit, Cap'n, even if I were paying attention, I doubt I could have spotted the creature."

Hongjoong then turns to you, wearing the most annoyed expression he can possibly contort his face into. You swallow.

"Well, it appears that the ship and I are in your debt-"

The striking purple haired gunner, who you now know to be Wooyoung, pipes up cheerily. "He did save our lives!"

Wooyoung is a curious character. He's undeniably good looking, with hair an unnatural shade of purple and a friendly, easygoing smile. But it's the broken shackles around his wrists that catch your attention, the iron collar resting against his throat that makes you wonder so much more about him.

"Thank you for reminding me." If looks could kill, Wooyoung would be floating face down in the Davy Jones Locker by now. Hongjoong clears his throat with a vexed cough and continues. "Like I was saying earlier, the ship and I are in your debt-"

Seonghwa nods once again. "That is to be deserving of some reward, at least."

You see the captain's fingers reach for his swords and for a moment you worry for the cook's life.

"However, I still do not trust you."

Behind him, San lets out a long suffering sigh and Hongjoong whips around to eyeball him with a sharp glare that goes sailing over the healer's head before he tries to continue.

"As I was saying, I do not trust you, but-"

"We do owe a life debt to him, though." Mingi ponders out loud and Hongjoong finally loses it.

"Everyone keep your mouths shut and stop interrupting me! I am the captain, for sod's sake, and god help me if I do not throw you lot overboard the next second I see your mouths open!"

There's a pause.

"Sorry captain." The five of them chorus obediently in synchronization, but you see them share tiny, amused smiles. Your eyes widen. They're pulling the captain's leg?

Hongjoong tugs his red jacket closer around him with a huff. "Honestly, does nobody on this ship respect me anymore? Has everyone on board forgotten that I am the captain? As I was saying..." He glances suspiciously around at his five crew members, as if expecting another smart remark to leave their mouths, but they keep silent with barely restrained snickers. He turns back to you. "The ship and I are in your debt. I do not trust you yet, but I am willing to give you a chance to earn it."

Your eyes widen in surprise as you take that in. He's offering you food, a shelter, a home. You don't have to be alone anymore. You aren't a prisoner any longer. Then your mouth opens before you can run the words by your brain.

pirate king (pirate!au) ➵ ateez ✔️Where stories live. Discover now