green eyes

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Eleuthera is beautiful.

A long island with sparkling white and pink sand and crystal clear waters, it's a bustling coastal town with lively, chattering people at every turn. From each corner of the street, there are colourful stalls with an exotic array of different wares and on the sea breeze you catch the smell of myrrh and frankincense.

"So what are we going to do today?" Yunho asks, as he glances around the town, excited to explore. Hongjoong has already informed the crew of the reason you have come to Eleuthera, but it seems that they are treating it more of a vacation instead.

Your captain frowns as he gazes over the town. "I don't know how you're going to find that green eyed man from your dreams, but we could always take this time to explore slowly. Everyone, let's divide into groups and have some free and easy."

"Let's go herb exploring!" San grins enthusiastically, taking your hand and swinging it up and down. The excitement must come from the novelty of being in a completely new place because your master is literally bouncing up and down like a hyperactive bunny, overflowing with energy. "I'm sure there's a lot of interesting things for us to see here!"

You smile at your master, about to agree, but then someone cuts in abruptly.

"She'll come with me."

You stare at him in shock.

Of all the people you had thought would say that, it had been the person you expected least. Everyone else seems to think so too, because they all turn around to stare at him in surprise as well.

Mingi looks at all of you determinedly, his deep brown eyes unwavering. There's still a fresh purple bruise on his jaw from where Jongho had hit him a few days ago on accident so it's a little hard to take him seriously, but he doesn't look like he's about to take a no for an answer.

It's strange, though. You and the quartermaster have never had much reason to speak to each other, and even though you've seen him afraid of bugs and the like to the point his massive height is not actually intimidating to you anymore, you know that the last time you spoke, he was furious with you for getting the crew into serious danger.

In fact, part of you is still kind of afraid of him.


"Don't forget, you still owe me for breaking my nose the last time." The quartermaster reminds you and you pause with your mouth open in a feeble attempt of a protest, but what he's saying is true, after all...

Hongjoong turns to his oldest friend, a little confused. "Mingi, what are you-"

"Then it's settled." Mingi declares, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you with him. San yelps as you're tugged away from him but doesn't do anything, instead pouting and clinging to Yeosang who looks just as confused as you are. "We'll be back to the ship by sunset."

"Help!" You mouth to the navigator, who simply flails his arms around desperately in a clear sign of 'I don't know what to do either!' You can only watch their forms getting smaller and smaller as the quartermaster pulls you with him away from the rest of the crew.

He leads you down a set of alleyways and you take in the vibrantly coloured mosaic walls, the beautiful geometric patterns and the brightly stained windows that you've never seen before. This place seems to be one full of happiness and relaxation, the sounds of a flute and fiddle drifting down the street attempting to draw you into its melody, but you still can't stop the anxious thumping in your heart.

Why does Mingi want with you?

To your surprise, you and Mingi break free of the town, leaving civilisation behind as he leads you to a stretch of beach. It's the most beautiful beach you've ever seen, actually, with pastel pink sands and jewel-like aquamarine waters, but what makes you panic a little is how secluded it is.

pirate king (pirate!au) ➵ ateez ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt