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The soldier addresses Jongho once again. "Farewell, and good luck with the recruitment. Perhaps I'll see you about the palace." With those curt words, he walks away with quick, brisk steps in the direction of the palace and vanishes into the crowd before Jongho can bid his farewells as well. The last thing Jongho sees is the red dragon embroidered on the back of the soldier's shirt.

Behind him, the old woman lets out a sigh of relief, looking as if she's just survived a disaster. Confused, Jongho turns around to look at her.

"Who was that?"

She looks at him in surprise for a moment and then shakes her head. "You must not know since you're not from around here. That was no simple soldier." She points her finger behind him, and Jongho's eyes follow it till his gaze rests on the Royal Palace, now seemingly bigger and more imposing than before.

"That was one of the commanders of the King's army."

COMING SOON (and by soon i mean i don't know when :/)

pirate king (pirate!au) ➵ ateez ✔️Where stories live. Discover now