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The sound and smell of throw up made me throw up even more. Debbie held onto my messy hair, letting me get rid of the alcohol.

A few hours before, we were okay. We had entered the bar, and lots of other students were celebrating as well.

Debbie had grabbed the attention of some guys, and of course, they bought her a drink. The waiter didn't ask for ID, making me a little nervous as to all who could actually legally drink in the bar.

"Shots!" Debbie yelled, getting claps from others. Hades and I just sat next to each other, watching her. Her boyfriend came around after about thirty minutes. They kissed each other, and Debbie was all over him. 

"Hi," he said to Hades. "I'm George." 

"Nice to meet you," Hades said shaking his hand. 

"Look at our men, getting along," Debbie said, throwing her arm around my neck. I felt bad for George, but he knew what he was getting himself into. He grabbed a drink himself and sat down next to Debbie. She was hugging him, touching him. I was envy how easy she made it look. 

"Shots!" she screamed again, having the bar clap with her again. It was all entertaining until she threw drinks my way. "Come on!"

"I don't know Debs."

"Everyone!" she shouted to the bar. "My best friend is engaged!"

Before I could stop her, everyone in the restaurant cheered for us. I turned so red, while Hades just patted me on the back.

The waiter brought drinks over, saying the drink was on the house. Hades took a sip, while I just stared into my fruity sugary drink.

"Go on," Hades said.

"I've never drunk. . . Will I get drunk?"

Hades whispered in my ears, "You're a god, we don't get drunk."

I made a face but agreed. Debbie called for another round of shots, and another. . . And another.

By the sixth one, I was highly drunk. I giggled and laughed as Hades held me in his arms. I looked up at him, touching his nose. "You said I wouldn't get drunk. Hehehe."

"I never do," he said rubbing his chin. "Maybe other gods and goddess get drunk."

"We know now!" I laughed, crawling into his lap.

"Steffi," he said, trying to get me to stop.

"No, no, no," I said pulling a finger on his lips. "You got to listen to me now. . . Because I am very drunk. . . But a queen! I'm your queen. And you shall listen to me."

He kissed my forehead, and got me out of his lap and sitting next to him. "yes, my queen."

"I love you sooooo much Hades."

He stroked my cheek. "I love you too."

Debbie, just as drunk as me, was sitting across the table and blurted out, "Have you guys even had sex yet?"

Hades eyes got huge while I stared at her. "Noooo," I answered. "Wait, have you and George?" 

I saw his cheeks getting bright red.

"Excuse me for a second," H said getting up and disappeared into the crowd.

"I'll go with him," George said. 

Debbie and I giggled too each other. "I haven't even told my mom I'm getting married!" I told her. "I'm so scared to tell her!"

"Oh my god...you know what would be a wonderful idea?"

The Girl that Hades called PersephoneWhere stories live. Discover now