Chapter 1

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You spent the entire trip from the helicarrier to the Avengers tower wondering yet again how you'd gotten into this situation. You'd been shoved into the back of the SHIELD SUV. That wasn't unusual, nor was the fact that your hands were shackled in front of you and you were gagged. What was unusual was the slim raven-haired man who was already in the backseat of the SUV, bound and gagged in the same manner you were.

"Sorry, Y/N. We have to keep up appearances for SHIELD until we get to the tower," the man called 'Agent Barton' said from the driver's seat as the SUV started driving to wherever they were taking you. You just stared out the window in the same hopeless stupor you'd lived in for the past year.


You hadn't chosen any of the events that led to you being in the SUV. Or that had led to you spending what should have been your sophomore year of high school in an underwater prison. You hadn't even done anything. You were minding your own business when some government agency decided they were rounding up Enhanced and shoving them in an underwater prison.

SHIELD, the Avengers, and someone named Professor Xavier had found out what they had done and rescued all the kids who had been wrongfully imprisoned. All of the kids went to the Professor except for you.

The other kids weren't hopeless cases.


The trip to the tower wasn't long. The SUV pulled into an underground garage when you arrived at the tower. You broke out of your stupor when your car door opened. A woman with long red hair had opened the door. "Y/N," she greeted you softly with a gentle smile and...kindness in her eyes. "I'm Natasha Romanov. Don't worry, you're safe now," she said gently as she unlocked your bonds. She stepped back from the SUV so you could get out. "Let me show you around your new home, ok?"

[ok] you automatically signed back in ASL, but cringed away, expecting a shock or worse for your misstep. Instead she smiled gently, reassuringly.

"I sign too," she said, signing along with her words. "So does Clint, the guy who drove. It's ok, Y/N. This isn't a prison. We're not going to hurt you. This is your home now," she reminded you as she led you inside. She gave you a tour of the tower, at least of the rooms you'd be interested in, kitchen, living room, dining room, the library, and finally your room. "If you're not up to joining us for dinner, I'll make sure someone brings you something to eat. I'll take you out to get clothes tomorrow. There's a few things in there, but I had to guess on the sizes." Anything would be better than the prison uniform that you were currently wearing. "I have to go help the others with the new guy. Are you going to be ok on your own for a little while?" she asked. You nodded in reply. She didn't look convinced, but left you so she could go deal with the raven-haired man. You wondered what he'd done to deserve the treatment.

You slipped into your new room. It was a simple room with not much more than a bed, desk and dresser, but it was much better than the prison cell where you'd lived your last year. You found that you had your own bathroom and wasted absolutely no time jumping into the shower to get clean. You stayed in the shower far too long, but it was the first time you were properly clean in more than a year.

You dressed in the too big jeans, t-shirt, and an oversized hoodie that had been left for you. Natasha was right, there weren't many clothes here to choose from, but she said you'd get more tomorrow. You were tempted to hide in your room, but you'd spent the last year not leaving a single room, and you couldn't stand the thought of one more day of the treatment. So you braved the downstairs, remembering the way to the living room, from where you'd be able to find the kitchen and food. There were a bunch of people there already. You hugged yourself, afraid, and nearly stepped back out of the room when you were spotted.

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