Chapter 26

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Getting through security was a chore. Happy was with the group too acting as a security guard for...someone? you couldn't quite tell who he was supposed to be guarding. He usually guarded Pepper, but she wasn't there. That day, he was carrying Cap's shield and an ironman suit in a suitcase for Tony, just in case. He had to flash his badge in order to get through with weapons. You got through security quickly and watched the drama of the rest of the team trying to get through.

"Ma'am, you have to remove all of your weapons," a guard told Nat. She removed a handful of blades and a small gun. "All of them," the guard repeated. He must've recognized who we were, if he didn't trust Nat to give up all of her weapons the first time. Nat rolled her eyes and removed even more weapons. Clint came up behind her and pulled the...sword?... from under her hair where she'd had it in a sheath on her back and added it to the pile. She glared at him and added one more tiny dagger to the pile.

"Don't glare, I gave you that sword," Clint chided her. Security finally let her through, staring at the pile of weapons which promptly went in Happy's suitcase.

"A-are you armed?" A terrified teen who was acting as a security guard asked Loki. Loki's eyes were on you, not giving the teen more than a passing glance while he put up with the nonsense.

Loki rolled his eyes. "I carry no weapons," he finally replied carefully. It was the truth, but...

"That doesn't answer the question, Mr. Loki," quipped the terrified teen, actually earning a tiny smile from Loki for his pert. Loki was eventually let through after the teen got his manager involved.

"Verily I have arms!" Thor boomed and flexed his muscles, making everyone in the vicinity with a libido swoon. Security went much faster after that.

Tony passed out gold VIP fastpass bracelets for everyone which would let you jump any and every line in the park. After that came the obligatory group picture in front of the castle. That was also as long as the group's enthusiasm could be controlled. The day was a whirlwind of chaos after that.

You somehow got a picture of Loki wearing Mickey ears while performing the biggest most put-upon eye roll you had ever seen anyoneaccomplish. Thor was nothing but an excited puppy. He bounced from shiny thing to shiny thing, taking in everything. He was so disappointed when he couldn't remove the sword from the stone. It took you gesturing to the hammer keychain on his belt loop (which was Mjolnir in disguise) before he would finally cheer up again. "Yes, lady, you are correct," he acknowledged, reassured that being worthy of Mjolnir was enough. You never did find out how Thor got Loki to ride in the teacup with him. You did get the very best picture of Thor's enthusiasm while he spun the cup as fast as possible while Loki glowered and looked like he was going to stab Thor for the torment Thor was putting Loki through.

The only warning the others had about It's A Small World was the collective groan of Tony, Bruce, and Clint. It was the exact groan of someone who had been on the right before and had the damn song stuck in their head for the rest of the day. Somehow they all joined you anyway. You all had a boat to yourselves and walked right on thanks to Tony's VIP passes. Loki looked interested at what could make the three men groan so much about a little boat ride. He was whining and groaning by about halfway through the ride and looked ready to destroy all of the speakers to end the damn song. You just laughed at his misery and enjoyed all of the dolls dressed from the different countries.

Nat and Clint got the high scores during the shooting aliens ride. Bruce refused to ride Space Mountain, claiming The Hulk wouldn't like it. Loki became fast friends with Captain Jack Sparrow and you had to drag him away before they got into trouble. Tony somehow convinced Thor that the ghosts in the Haunted Mansion were real. It took the rest of the team reassuring him that Tony was lying before he'd believe it.

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