Chapter 12

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  You didn't sleep, or even lie down like you had told them you were going to. Instead, you sat against the headboard of your bed with your knees to your chest, replaying that afternoon's events over and over in your head. You ignored the concerned knocks and calls at your door from the others when they tried to check on you; you had actually remembered to lock the door for once.

It was the soft polite knock and the call of "Darling?" in such a worried tone that had you off of your bed and opening the door. "I was worried about you," Loki told you softly, in apology for interrupting the solitude you had requested. He was holding a tray with a tea set and two slices of chocolate cake. You cracked the smallest smile at his blatant bribery. "May I come in?" he asked, sounding nervous that you'd send him away. You stepped back from the door and opened it wider so he could enter. He kissed your nose as he passed you and you giggled at his antics. "There's my darling," his voice was relieved.

He set the tray on your bed and settled gracefully before he began to pour the tea. "I thought you'd like some tea,"he explained as you carefully joined him on the bed, sitting across the tray from him. You had to be careful so your movements didn't spill the tea. "Mother always brought me tea and pudding... dessert," he clarified quickly. "When I was upset. She had an uncanny ability to know when it was needed," he smiled fondly at the memory. "I thought..." he trailed off, unsure of his, or his gesture's welcome.

You nodded your thanks, your hands full with the teacup you'd lifted from the tray. His relief was nearly tangible. You both sipped on your tea and savored the delicious chocolate cake in companionable silence. [This is delicious] you commented on the cake.

"Thank you," he grinned. You stared at him incredulously.

[You made it?] Loki was not to be trusted alone in the kitchen. He could boil water for tea by himself and that was about it. He still had a habit of burning eggs.

"In a manner of speaking," he chuckled at your concerned expression. "I conjured it. I have quite a lot of practice conjuring puddings. Mother always said mine turned out better than hers," he explained. You nodded and turned your attention back to your slice of cake, finally relaxing.

Loki vanished all of the dishes when tea time was over. He reached out a hand to the bandage on your arm. You shrank back automatically, not wanting to display your wounds. "Let me see," he bid you softly. You hesitated, shy and embarrassed. "Darling, please, let me see," he implored you more firmly. You steeled yourself and shifted so he could see the bandage. He removed the bandage before you could protest and placed a hand against the wound, green magic shimmering around his hand. "Had I been thinking more clearly, I would have done this earlier," he told you sheepishly. You raised an eyebrow. In response, he removed his hand from the wound and you saw that it was completely healed, nothing more than another scar in your collection. You grinned at him, impressed. "I only have a small amount of healing ability, but it is sufficient for a single cut." He was still looking sheepish.

[Sorry you were distracted]

"It's not your fault," he reassured you quickly. He then chuckled and added: "I must admit that I was not expecting to come undone by one song, little siren," he teased. You blushed, remembering his reaction to your singing. "I'm teasing, love," he reminded you before you could apologize. "We asked for a demonstration. No one is upset by the outcome of that demonstration. Though, it took some convincing to reassure the Captain that his reaction to the siren's song was due to his desire for women in general and not desire towards you in particular," you nodded. That explained some of Cap's reaction.

Loki gentled his voice when he continued. "They're worried about you, love. They'd like to see you. Will you come downstairs?" You hesitated, but nodded and reached for your hoodie. "You don't have to hide," Loki told you as he stood and offered you a hand. You were only wearing a t-shirt and jeans, nothing over your arms. "You are gorgeous, my dear. There is no reason to hide and nothing for you to feel ashamed of," he added with a warm smile that was so earnest you couldn't help but believe him. You took his hand and let him haul you to your feet.

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