Chapter 38

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  [You didn't open it, did you?] you asked Loki quite a few times when you were both safely back in his suite. He'd shown you that he had successfully stolen the backpack back from Odin and handed it to you.

"No, darling," he told you just as patiently the last time as the first. "You told me not to." You had told him quite firmly that he couldn't know the contents of the bag or it would ruin all the plans to escape. That part wasn't technically true. Really, he couldn't know what was in the bag lest it interfere with Plan Z. Plan Z was vital to making sure you stayed free once you escaped.

You searched the bag and made sure everything was still there. It was, so you zipped it again and handed it back to Loki with a nod. [Don't look. Please. Promise me] you bid him. He was not going to agree with Plan Z, so he couldn't know what it was ahead of time. He would stop you and that would get you both killed or worse.

"I won't. I swear, love. I won't risk your freedom due to simple curiosity," he insisted and kissed your forehead while he vanished the bag. He would summon it for you again when you asked for it.


You weren't being watched so heavily by a week later. They had stopped expecting you to try to escape. You still acted the besotted newlyweds and you acted happy with your new life.

Only Loki and Thor saw your tears. You were wilting and lonely with only the two of them to really interact with. You missed your friends back home. You missed Sammi and you missed acutally communicating with people. Frigga tried. She really did. She wanted Loki happy. Sif and the Warriors were nice enough, but it just wasn't the same. They didn't, couldn't include you.

Loki swore his shields were enough to keep Heimdall from seeing, and no questions would be asked as long as he was careful not to use them too often. He insisted that Heimdall would just assume you were having sex and didn't want to be spied on. Unless he used them all the time. That was perfect and added another piece to your plans. He saw the piece slip into place and gave you a small nod. He was up to helping however he could.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" you asked Loki in whispers one night. "You may never be able to come home after this." You saw the look of sorrow in his eyes, not from potentially never seeing Asgard again, but Frigga. He always had that soft expression when thinking of Frigga.

"I can't let Odin keep using you," he told you softly, brushing a finger over the latest cut on your skin. You nodded and sat on the bed to reevaluate your plans. You grinned at him when you'd come up with an idea. "Nonono, I know that look, what are you planning, darling?" he asked quickly, concerned. He knew the too-daring mischievous look all too well.

[I want us both free. You're not going to be happy if you can never see Frigga again. My plan will place all of the fault on our escape on me. Trust me, darling]

He sighed. "You're not putting yourself in undo danger, are you?" he asked firmly before he'd relent. You shook your head.

[No danger] you then explained your plan to him in whispers.


"Shield us, Loki. I don't want Hiemdall watching us have sex," you announced loudly. Thor looked over at you and glared. You were out in the market and being loud about your sex life. Plus you were giving orders, which he knew damn well meant that... he looked over at Loki and saw the glazed look in his eyes. Loki waved a hand over you to create his shielding. You kissed his cheek. "Now teleport us back to our room," you ordered.

Thor glared and tried to stop you. He couldn't let you order his brother around like this. You saw his hatred then, saw the doubts as he questioned if your entire relationship was built on persuasions and lies. He loathed you in that moment for what you were doing to Loki, for the mind control, the persuasions, the orders, the blatant abuse of his abilities.

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