Chapter 16

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The school was crowded and you found yourself clutching onto Sammi's arm. "Hey, you ok?" Sammi asked you. You nodded. "It's the crowd?" she asked. You nodded again. "They're high school students. You can take them," she teased. You smiled at her, grateful for her support. "I'm surprised you didn't bring a jacket," she commented.

[I don't want to hide] you signed. You wanted to get back to a normal life. That's what you'd kept telling yourself, anyway. [Wearing a jacket in August is obvious]

"So are your arms," she replied. You nodded. Your arms were pretty obvious. You'd also been on the news more than once for press conferences with the Avengers. It wasn't like people wouldn't know who you were, and everyone probably knew your story.

Your lockers were right next to each other and that was your first stop, where you spent time taping up pictures of your housemates, and most especially one of you and Loki. Sammi was taping up pictures in hers as well. It had become a tradition since middle school. "I missed you last year," she said as you evaluated her work.

[I missed you too] The bell rang a warning for everyone to get to class. You and Sammi made your way to your first class and you were thrilled you had at least most of your classes together.

You had forgotten how awful high school could be. Kids were whispering about your scars as you passed them in the hall. It was also so loud and crowded. You didn't remember it being like this. It got worse during your first class. You were sitting next to Sammi, signing with her about the last movie you'd gone out to see with her and Loki. People watched curious, but didn't bother you. Yet. It was too early in the school day for them to be that brave. You did wave at a couple kids you recognized from before, but Sammi was the only one you'd considered a friend in this class.

The bell rang for class to start and everyone quieted down when the teacher started class. "Welcome to AP English Lit. This is room 304 and I'm Ms Price. If this is not the class you're expecting to be in, kindly leave the room now," she gestured to the door. Some of the students chuckled. No one took her up on her offer. She she began taking attendance. You got on her bad side when she called your name. You raised your hand in response. She called your name again. "Students in my class answer with 'here' or 'present'," she told you firmly. You knew your situation had been explained to the school already. Your mom had done it freshman year, and you knew Cap had reexplained things when they reregistered you. This teacher was just being a bitch, or didn't believe that you were mute.

"Ma'am, Y/N is mute," Sammi spoke up. She wasn't afraid to stand up for you. There were a couple other students who spoke up in agreement, those who knew you freshman year.

Somehow the vibe you got off of this teacher reminded you of Professor Snape. This was going to be a long year of AP English. "Oh, right. That was in the notes...." she backpedaled quickly. You weren't going to trust her regardless. She collected the summer reading assignments and jumped straight into the first class discussing one of the books from the reading. You were prepared for her to ask you questions, though, even had Sammi not been sitting next to you. You already had your Stark-tech laptop open on your desk and the program open for Jarvis to read aloud whatever you typed. Other kids had laptops out too, but none of them said 'Stark Industries' on the back.

By your second class of the day, the kids were getting brave enough to ask about your past and living with the Avengers. You were tired of it already. So was Sammi who was answering most of the questions on your behalf. The smarter kids started friending you on Facebook to bother you that way. "She's not a freakshow!" Sammi yelled at one kid who'd gotten too close to asking about your powers.

"Ms. Morgan," the teacher of that class admonished. Nothing was going on this class after the textbooks had been handed out.

[Sammi, it's ok] you signed at her before she could get angry and get herself in trouble.

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