Chapter 15

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 It didn't take long for Thor to return. He was carrying a blanket, a plate piled with sandwiches, and the book you had been reading. He handed you one of the blankets after he'd set everything down. "Spread that on the ground. There's no need for you to sit on the hard concrete," he told you. He lifted Loki gently in his arms, despite Loki's small child-like protest. You spread the blanket out quickly and resettled in your spot, laying Loki's head in your lap again when Thor laid him back down. "I should get back upstairs before the others come looking for all three of us. Loki would not wish for them to see him like this. No one will question just the two of you being missing, since that is a fairly normal occurrence. If I am gone too, they will come looking. Will you be alright taking care of him?" You could tell Thor felt bad leaving Loki's care to you.

You nodded. [I love him too, Thor. Besides, he won't be upset if I see him like this. He's seen me worse] Loki saw your scars and the bruises on your soul every day.

"Have you told him that you love him yet?" Thor asked. You blushed and wouldn't look at him. You had just told Loki, but weren't sure he was actually awake enough to comprehend what you'd said.

[Once...] you signed slowly.

Thor's expression fell. "Did he not return the sentiment?" Thor's voice was gentle and kind. "I am sure he loves you as well. He was never good at expression such emotions..."

You gestured to Loki. [I don't think he heard me] you tried to smile, but you had to admit to yourself that you were worried about what Loki really felt. He hadn't said the words either. You knew logically that he loved you, all of the little gestures and courtesies he gave you all the time told you clearly enough. You knew better than anyone that words weren't the most important thing.

"You know he cares for you," Thor told you gently. You nodded and made a shooing motion. He laughed and stood. He kissed your forehead before he left. He had adopted you as family, just as all the Avengers had. "Call if you need anything,"

Loki's skin finally started to cool in the freezer room as you stroked his hair and read your book. You were shivering, but refused to leave Loki alone. Besides, shivering was better than the heatstroke everyone was suffering. Loki finally stirred a long while after you'd found this room for him. "What's going on?" he asked, confused, sitting up and looking around the unfamiliar room. You touched his arm so he would focus on you.

[The heat got to you] you explained.

He looked ashamed, then when he understood what your words meant. "I'm sorry..."

[No need to be sorry] you signed quickly. He was still confused, so you explained the state you'd found him in that morning, what this room was, and what Thor had told you about Loki's heritage.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like that. Thor should not have been the one to tell you, but my heritage never seemed important enough to bring up," he said softly, embarrassed. You saw the bruised look and shame in his expression and pulled him into a hug.

When he finally calmed again you signed [We just need to make sure the AC doesn't go out again] and giggled at him.

He sighed. "Yes, that was unpleasant, especially since the heat drained my magic before I could do anything about it. But there is more..." he hesitated. You waited patiently. He sighed. "You deserve the truth," he hesitated a moment longer, but steeled himself. His form shimmered and suddenly his skin was dark blue, his eyes blood red when he opened them again. The form was foreign, alien, but he was your Loki, even like this he had a strange beauty. You moved over to him and kissed him lightly. He hesitated, nervous, worried, but sank into the kiss, when it was clear you weren't just kissing him to make him feel better, but because you loved him and wanted to kiss him.

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