Chapter 39

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 Your words, your tone must have registered. You saw Loki whip his head up to look at you and finally recognized the tears in your eyes. You gave him a small smile as you took one step back, then another.

[Forgive me] you signed, knowing that he wouldn't for a long time, if ever.

You heard his muffled yells behind the duct tape. Duct tape was not the most effective gag ever, but it was all you could steal quickly, so it had to do in a pinch. The tears spilled from your eyes before you made it to the door.

"I love you," you whispered again. Really for the last time this time. You couldn't help it. It was the last opportunity after all.

You slipped out of the room before his heartbreak could stop you, before you could go to him and spill your soul and let him stop you. He would definitely try to stop you. You closed the door behind you and smirked at the little sign on the door:

Angry Loki inside. Do not enter.

You wiped the tears from your eyes roughly. Fury was waiting for you and wisely didn't comment besides an "Are you sure?" You nodded firmly. You walked with him to the medical bay just down the hall.

You tapped Fury's arm to get his attention. [Tell him? After it's done?]

He glared at you, but softened when he remembered all of the many reasons you were doing this, including preventing a war between Earth and Asgard. "I'll see what I can do, but you may have to do it yourself. Boyfriend isn't exactly the most pleasant when you have him this riled." You pointed to your wedding ring.

[Husband] you corrected firmly, though the tears were back in your eyes. Would Loki actually want to stay with you after this? Much less be your husband? He hadn't really agreed to it in the first place after all. Was divorce even a thing on Asgard or was he just going to kill you and be done with it?

"You're going to have to tell me what the hell happened on Asgard after we finish saving the world," Fury told you firmly.

[I'm Asgardian now] you warned him. He cursed at that sudden revelation.

You nodded and stepped into the med room with him. There was an entire crew of surgeons and nurses waiting for you, all scrubbed in and ready for this. "Time for Plan Z everyone, you've prepared for this. It's changed slightly. Y/N is Asgardian now. Don't ask, we don't have time for it. Drug her like you would Thor and she'll heal just as fast. She doesn't need or want to know what the procedure entails, which is better for all of our safety. Whatever you do, don't fuck it up. She's a member of the Avengers Initiative and potentially more importantly Loki's wife." There were gasps at that. Everyone knew you were dating Loki and what he'd done to get you back from Hydra, but no one besides Fury had known you were married. And he only knew as of about thirty seconds ago. "You know damn well that he will kill every single person on this boat if this procedure does not go as planned. This is the most VIP patient you will ever have. Loki is also on board and.... antsy as hell," Fury warned them all, though that was the understatement of the century. He may have also been overstating how much Loki cared about you right this moment. "So do this quickly and don't fuck it up,"

"No pressure," one of the nurses muttered. No one even looked at her. That was safer since Fury looked about ready to kill her.

Fury gave you one final look. "You're absolutely sure this is the only way?" he asked. You nodded. "Then go before that husband of yours gets even more antsy." You nodded again and let the nurses lead you behind a screen to change into hospital clothes, which was thankfully something resembling scrubs instead of one of those godawful backless gowns.

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