Chapter 7

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  "Darling, I really hope you are actually awake this time. I would had to be rendered unconscious twice in one morning," Loki greeted you with a smile in his voice when you woke to the annoying alarm in the room. The alarm was Jarvis insisting you get up to prepare for the press conference.

You nodded and sat up slowly. Loki was sitting on top the bed next to you while you were bundled under the blankets. You had a feeling he'd been there all night keeping guard. You also realized this wasn't your room. This was his room with his illicit fireplace. [I'm awake] you signed when you were sitting up again. [Why were you unconscious?]

"Whatever those pills were made you talk in your sleep," Loki grumbled. "It's alright and not your fault," he added quickly before you could react and apologize. "We just need to make sure Lady Natasha does not try to do that again. I have also discovered that if you do start to stir under the influence of sleeping pills, you are soothed back to sleep by Asgardian poetry," he told you with a teasing smile. You flushed and looked down at your lap.

[Sorry] you signed quickly. [You should've put me to bed in my own bed]

"But had I done that, I could not have guarded you," he replied ever so logically, though it was unnecessary for him to guard you at all. It was comforting to know that he had been there, though. "Lady Natasha informed me that she set out something for you to wear this morning." You felt yourself pale. You did not want to do a press conference. "I will be there too, darling. We shall suffer together. If the Captain is correct, this press conference could be essential in getting that place shut down for good," Loki reminded you. You nodded and finally climbed out of the bed.

On a stupid impulse, you kissed his cheek before darting from the room. You couldn't help noticing the look of shock on his face or the warm smile as his hand went automatically to his cheek where you'd kissed it.


You found a knee length sleeveless white sundress with green accents on your bed waiting for you. You dressed carefully and slipped on the flat sandals that had been set out as well. "Y/N, are you dressed?" Nat asked, knocking on your bedroom door. You opened the door for her. "The dress is perfect," she announced. "Let me do your hair." You nodded and let her brush your hair out, then tie it up in a knot at the back of your head.

You made the mistake of looking in the mirror when she was finished. You had avoided looking in mirrors as often as possible. You barely recognized yourself. It was horrifying to see the scars on your arms, how much your body had changed from a year in that prison.

You also realized exactly what Nat was planning with your outfit and appearance. She was playing up the cute little helpless teenage girl act. "Are you ok to do this?" she asked. You nodded. If this could help get The Raft shut down, you'd suffer being in front of the cameras. "Good. Let's go find that playmate of yours. He's coming for this too. We have another job for you two after the press conference and I want to make sure you're debriefed on it at the same time."

You nodded and went with her downstairs to the kitchen to steal some poptarts from Thor for breakfast. Instead you found that Clint had made pancakes. You grinned in delight when he handed you a plate of them. "Don't let Loki steal any of your pancakes. Just because they're his favorite. I've made plenty for everyone," Clint told you firmly. You nodded and took your seat at the dining room table. Loki joined you a few minutes later with his own stack of pancakes. He his child-like look of glee was a huge contrast with the perfectly tailored suit he wore. You had to admit that he was extremely attractive in the suit.

"Clint made pancakes!" he told you with glee as he sat down next to you to eat his pancakes. He had devoured them quickly and reached his fork over to your plate to snag a bite of yours. You flipped your fork over in a practiced movement and jabbed his hand with it, glaring at him. He yelped and pulled his hand back like you'd actually hurt him, which you hadn't. You slid your plate further away from him and returned to your pancakes. "How did you get so good at defending your food?" he asked, pouting.

[Idiot brother] you signed quickly.

"You have a brother?" Thor asked. You nodded, but didn't look up from your breakfast. You really didn't want to talk about your family.

"You're allowed to contact them, you know," Cap told you gently. You didn't look at him. You wanted to, of course, but you didn't even know where to begin telling them anything about the last year. That's why you hadn't logged in to any of your social media either.

While you were eating, Nat spoke up. "I told you that you two have another job after the press conference. It's not going to be easy," she started.

"It's important, though," Cap added. You looked over at them and raised an eyebrow.

"What job do you have for us?" Loki asked, equally confused. You were both on house arrest.

"Spend the day out of the tower. Go to a park, take him to a movie, the mall, go out to eat, whatever you want. Have fun. Be a teenager, make him learn about Earth. We want the press and paparazzi to see you both out of the tower without us around and see that you are both perfectly safe," Nat explained.

"You really think that's going to work?" Clint demanded.

"The press thinks they're both monsters and dangerous. That's why they're on house arrest. You both know it's true, so don't glare at the messenger." Tony added.

"Y/N hasn't done anything wrong, and we want to show that Loki's reformed," Cap explained.

Tony huffed. "That's why you wanted this," he handed a wallet to Nat. She opened it and nodded when she looked through it, before handing it to Loki. "They get to go play outside unsupervised and I have to pay for it?" he grumbled.

"You're a billionaire. You can handle it," Cap snapped when he saw that you looked like you were going to protest.

"I'm joking, kid. Have fun. Cap's right. We need all the good press we can get for you two." Tony told you quickly. You nodded and offered the last bite of your pancakes to Loki from your fork. He grinned at you and took the bite gladly. You smiled. It was always nice to see him smile.

"Loki, can you get the dishes? We need to get going to the press conference," Nat asked nicely. Since she asked nicely, Loki used magic to clean the dishes and put them away. It only took a moment.

You soon found yourself back in the backseat of a SHIELD SUV with Loki. At least you weren't bound and gagged this time. Instead, you were in a sundress and sandals. "You look lovely, darling," Loki told you softly when he caught you worrying again. You were barely ok with you housemates seeing your scars. You weren't thrilled about displaying them to the entire world.

The actual press conference was hell. You had to stand in the spotlight while Nat and Cap told your story. At least your only real job was to look small, innocent, and like a terrified victim. You were pulling that off just fine. Loki stood nearby, a reassuring presence. They also explained how Loki was working with the team and was a good addition. They allowed the press and scary government people to ask you questions. You signed out answers, which Nat translated for you.

You were relieved when the press conference was over and Loki could wrap an arm around your shoulders and lead you off the stage. "You did wonderfully, darling," he told you softly.

[That was awful] you signed at him in reply.

"I know, but they're actively talking about shutting that place down now, and it's because of you and your story," Cap told you. "You did great. Now go have fun. I expect not to see either of you back at the tower until after dinner," He handed a set of car keys to Loki. "Don't do anything stupid, or wreck Tony's car," he indicated the sleek fast looking car parked nearby. You both nodded in the meek innocent way that no one in the tower would ever believe. "Seriously, don't do anything stupid. Don't use any magic. Just let the paparazzi see you behaving in public,"

"We will be fine, Captain. I will take care of Y/N and see that she has a good time," Loki replied formally. He offered you his arm to escort you to the waiting car. You placed your hand on his arm, waved to Cap and the others, and let Loki walk you to the car for your day out of the tower.

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