Chapter 43

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  You had meant to stay out of trouble, really, you had.

[How long will the workmen be here?] you asked Tony after Thor had left.

"Two days," he replied and handed you a box. You nodded and stood on your toes to kiss Loki's cheek before you headed back upstairs to throw some clothes and stuff you didn't want to get hurt by the workmen. There wasn't a lot you needed for just a couple of days, so the task didn't take very long. You grinned when you walked across the hall and saw that Loki had left one of his dresser drawers open and completely empty. He'd emptied it out for you. Thoughtful husband. You put the clothes away and set Lokibear safely on top of the dresser with the bear you'd given him, and then went to return to your activity of reading on the couch in the living room with your Loki.


"Kid, can you go help Bruce in the lab?" Tony asked later that afternoon. You looked up at him confused as you shut your book.

[I know nothing about the lab] you reminded him.

"Bruce will walk you through whatever it is he needs," Tony added. You shrugged and shut your book, wondering what he was up to. You started to take Loki's hand to bring him with you, but Tony and Cap wanted him to stay. Ah, that was probably whatever this was about. So you headed down to the lab to see what bullshit excuse Bruce had come up with for you being there.

"Hey, Y/N," Bruce said when he let you into the locked lab.

[What's going on?] you asked when you stepped inside.

"Cap and Tony want us out of the way when the workers arrive," he explained. "The Hulk doesn't like intruders in his house and the press doesn't know you've lost your powers so the team doesn't want to take any chances with your safety. So you're stuck down here with me until the main floor is clear of strangers,"

You huffed and rolled your eyes. This seemed like awful planning. Bruce smiled. "I really could use a hand, though, if you're up to it?" You nodded and dove into helping him with whatever experiment he was working on. It wasn't bad work, but definitely not your cup of tea when you didn't understand a thing that was going on.

"Doctor Banner, Mr. Stark wished for me to inform you that the main floor of the tower is clear. The workers are currently working on Miss Y/N's room,"

"Thank you, Jarvis," Bruce told the AI. He turned to you. "You're free to go, Y/N," he told you with a small smile. He had a soft spot for you since the Hulk liked you so much. You stuck your tongue out at him, but nodded and left the lab to get to more enjoyable activities. You thought kicking Loki's ass at video games sounded much more enjoyable.

"What did Doctor Banner need?" Loki asked too innocently when you returned to the living room.

[Like you don't know that we were chucked into the lab for safety] you told him. He gave you an innocent look.

"My lady wounds me with her words,"

"Drop the innocent act, loverboy, like you weren't intimidating every worker who passed through here and pleased as all getout that Y/N was safely away from where they'd be," Nat replied. You grinned at her and offered her a controller. "Thanks, but Clint and I have to go out for a little bit. Keep your husband from killing the workers, ok?" You nodded and passed Loki a controller so you could play video games with him.


You were already yawning your way through dinner and kissed Loki's cheek once you had finished eating. [I'm for bed. Healing Asgardians are sleepy creatures] He chuckled and stood. [There is no way you're tired] you reminded him, perfectly capable of walking to bed alone.

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