Carter | When Stars Align

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When Stars Align

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When Stars Align

Carter bounded up to his window, expecting to find Amber waiting. Over the last few months, it had become their nightly routine: talking across the space between their houses and signing off with a goodnight wave. It was the highlight of his day.

But tonight, Carter found her room empty. Before he could worry, he noticed something on the edge of her backyard. From this angle, Carter could just make out the ends of her curls, glistening copper against the rich, green grass.

The blades squelched under his sneakers as he trudged through his own backyard, the stars the only source of light. Carter had always been fascinated by the night sky growing up, but stars were his favorite. Before they moved, his mom would take him on walks along the beach, then lay out a blanket across the sand once it got dark. For hours, she would point out the constellations and tell their stories. Carter knew them all by heart.

But he didn't care about the stars tonight — especially once he saw Amber's face. The usual smile she wore like a badge of honor was replaced by tears in her eyes. They streamed down her cheeks as she blinked up at the sky, not acknowledging him at all.

Carter froze. What if she wanted to be left alone? He briefly considered turning back the way he came, but his feet wouldn't let him. There was no way he was leaving her out here by herself.

Tentatively, he took a step forward. "Amber?"

She didn't flinch. "You walk very loud."

"You knew I was here?" he asked, stepping closer until he was looking down at her.

She shrugged. "I wanted to see if you'd stay or not."

Plopping down on the ground, he laid back in the grass. "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere." They were quiet again until Carter built up the courage to ask. "What's wrong?"

Amber took her time answering, sniffling back the last of her tears. As he waited, his mind wandered to her hand — specifically, how close it was to his. He could feel the heat radiating off her fingers across the cool grass, and the thought to reach over and hold it flashed across his mind.

"Why do people get married?"

Carter blinked, turning his head to study her. He didn't see how that answered his question, but his heart was beating hard at the one she asked instead.

"What do you mean?"

Amber wiped a hand under her eyes before looking over at him. "I mean, why do people get married and have kids when everyone who does is so miserable?" She said the next part so softly, he had to strain to hear it. "Why did my parents have me?"

Carter grappled for an answer to make her feel better and came up blank. He couldn't relate to what she was saying; his parents always seemed happy. Often he'd find them laughing together around the house, or stealing quick kisses when they thought he and his brothers weren't looking. But more importantly, his parents' actions never made Carter ask questions like that. He never wondered if he was wanted or not.

"I don't know," he started, noticing her shoulders sag before he finished. "But I'm glad they did, or else I never would've met you."

And then, there it was — his favorite part about her. Amber grinned back at him, even as another tear slipped down her cheek. The gaps in her teeth were slowly filling in, and he could tell her new smile would be even prettier... if that was possible.

"Can I ask you something?"

She could ask him to eat his own foot and he'd try it. "Sure."

"Do you think you'll ever get married? Like, a long long time from now?"

"I think so," he answered honestly. Carter knew he wanted what his parents had someday, ever since he learned what marriage was. Someone who would never leave his side. A best friend for life. "Do you?"

Carter's heart lodged itself in his throat, already regretting the question. He didn't know what he'd do if she said no. He didn't even understand why he cared.

"I don't know... most of the time, I think I don't."

His heart plummeted into his stomach, a feeling so painful he'd take a punch to the gut any day. But a moment later, he felt her fingers graze his. Then, they were holding hands. It felt just like Carter thought it would. Right.

"Unless it was to someone like you. I think that could change my mind."

She turned back to the sky but didn't let his hand go. Part of him hoped she never would.

"Do you know the constellations?" Amber asked after a while.

Carter couldn't bite back his grin. "A few."

Then, he raised a finger to the sky and shared with her the galaxy. 

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