21. The world of Intimacy!

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Hey! I am so sorry for delaying it by half a day, but my practical of gyanecology finished late and then I had some more errands to run. In the morning I had an extra revision class for my last practical exam left, and that made me late again.
But, also, it my last undergraduate class. I mean I can't believe I will be done with my MBBS by the end of this month.
Anyway, enough of the rant. Happy reading :))

~ Every time she runs her hand over her lips, all she remembers is the softness of his touch~

Manik spoke nothing for a prolonged time, just hid his face in her neck, his wet cheeks giving her tingles, though he shifted enough to not put his weight on her. She said nothing either, she kept her fingers tangled in his wavy hair, and the other hand around him, holding him close to her. The night around them had stilled, the darkness seen through the window worked wonders to hide their respective turmoils. Their bodies lay extremely close to each other, their eyes a world of their own, just not facing each other.

"I miss them, too much at times", Manik mumbled, and Nandini instinctively tightened her grip on them. He didn't clarify whom, she didn't ask either.

" I wish I could hug her one more time Nandini, one last time", he broke into louder sobs this time, and as his body shook, she felt tears stinging her own eyes. She knew well how it felt to loose a parent.

"It's alright Manik, we all have our bad days", she spoke softly, didn't even attempt to tell him that it was okay or it was fine, because she knew it was not. Loosing somebody you love is a disaster, especially if it's your parents. No matter how much time goes by, that particular emptiness never gets filled again. You miss them in every breath, but some days it's easier and some days, it is hard.

He finally raised himself to look into her eyes, a gaze so deep that she could see her reflection in his eyes. Both of them had glassy orbs, but this time, that tears acted as mirror, to each other's heart. Nandini immediately cupped his face, and he rested his palms over hers, leaning into it slightly, closing his eyes, before breaking the contact to shift and sit down, a little away. Nandini sat up too, her eyes fixed on him, who had his closed, the slight tremor in his body language evident.

" Don't hold yourself back Manik. I won't stop you, if you want to sob it out. Sometimes we need to let the storm out too, not necessarily in similar ways, but any possible way", she sat on her knees, in front of him, and that made him open his eyes slowly to look at her.

There were so many things he wanted to tell her, so many sentences were framing in his mind, but nothing came out of his mouth, only a few more tears rolled down his cheeks and jaw, falling down on her hands that she had rested on his. She raised her arms, and gestured him to come closer. He took a minute to respond, but when he did, Nandini felt the burden he was carrying in the sound of his sobs. She cradled him like a mother cradles her baby, his head resting on her chest, as he wept and wept, unconsolable, at her mercy. And she accepted it, she accepted his moment of weakness, she let him cry his heart out, even though it did something to her heart too watching him cry, but she knew he hadn't wept any tear on this day since the last four years. It was years of anguish, years of missing, and a part of her was happy that he had chosen her to be his anchor.

They spent a good junk of time in each other's arms, sitting, and his weeps had also decreased. He was lost though, somewhere else, and something on his face told her that he goes there often. Her heart started to thump at that, she didn't want to loose him to his thoughts anymore. She wanted him in the moment, with her, and she did the only thing she knew would get an immediate response. She kissed him.

It was when Nandini tilted her neck to kiss the part of nape accessible to her, that Manik showed a sign of life. Until then, he was as still as corpse, but one touch from her, made him sigh deep, and in the process shifted his head making more skin accessible to to her, and she used the opportunity to leave soft, warm kisses on the trail. It made him squirm, but she paid no heed, and continued to shower him with warm kisses over his shoulder, down his left arm. It wasn't rushed, rather as if she was taking a minute each to devour every inch of the skin she could find. The touch of her lips formed knots in his stomach, and his skin felt hot. He actually had goosebumps.

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