48. Hustle Bustle

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~ I promise If you let me, I will love you like the movies~

The night was beautiful, Manik observed, standing near the beach shore. The lights from the shacks behind him were making the water glow, purple and green, and as the waves threatened to embrace him up and further, he smiled looking at the reflection in water. Everyone who said water is therapy, was correct.

He felt a hand slip into his and he tighetend the grip, unconsciously

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He felt a hand slip into his and he tighetend the grip, unconsciously. Nandini leaned into his shoulder, nuzzling her nose into him and he leaned back, holding her close to him.

"Everyone is asking about you, You are fine right?", Nandini asked, and Manik smiled, turning to look at her.

"Just as fine as you are", he replied, and Nandini lowered her head, ducking and sighed.

"We should not have expected so much, so soon, should we?", she asked, and Manik didn't have words to answer. So he instead pulled her closer and hugged her.

"Maybe, maybe not. But right now, all that is important is we have each other, right here", he smiled, the same one he knew his wife loved, because his smile was her strength. Her courage was bewildering, but the source was him, and he very well knew that for if was the same for him too.

The stars above their head twinkled a little more that Saturday night, as Manik and Nandini standing near the shore on Senquerim beach, Goa, smiled at each other. Twenty four hours change so much, Manik wondered, as his thoughts flew back to last night.

Sometimes, twenty four hours break you, but the same twenty hour hours might also give you enough courage to hold yourself up again, because time is fluid, and there is nothing we can do about that.

Flashback, Friday, evening 5 pm.

Nandini huffed as she sat on the bed, stretching her hands to reach her mobile thrown a little far on the bed.

5 pm.

And Manik was still not home.

Irritated, she checked their WhatsApp chat, but he had not yet read her messages. Throwing the phone away yet again, like she had done the last ten times in the past half an hour, Nandini began checking her list of things she needed to pack. She was almost done with the luggage, just some last minute stuff. It was Friday evening, and they were supposed to leave for Goa in a few hours. They had a flight scheduled, and here her husband was still out, and not answering her calls or messages.

Her phone started to ring, but to her disappointment, it wasn't Manik, but Mrs. Chatterjee, reminding her to pack few things and to leave for the airport on time. Nandini hummed, her mind still pre occupied by her husband and the fact that he was supposed to collect her reports from the hospital today.

They had taken a holiday on Wednesday to visit her gynaec, Dr. Smriti, who had listened to her confusions with patience and explained her in detail how this could be just any other thing as much as pregnancy, and she should not keep all her hopes pinned until they have confirmed results. She had taken her samples though, and the results were due today, plus the fact that her Appa had refused to accompany them to Goa citing he didn't feel like travelling. It had not only irked or confused her, but also left her in grave worry. Something was wrong with her father and she wasn't able to gauge what, and she felt terribly guilty for being so immersed in her own life, for thinking about her and Manik's life plans instead of being there with him, for him.

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