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"I'm Landon." I say before Kavina has a chance to introduce us.

"Mate." My wolf says.

"What? No it's not. She doesn't have a scent to her that I would smell on my mate." I tell him.

She smells nice but doesn't smell like a wolf neither.

The girl stands there not saying anything and I can tell she's starting to blush until finally she shakes her head and begins to shake my hand.

"I'm sorry. I'm Anna." She says.

"Nice to meet you." I smirk.

"You too." She replies while tucking a hair behind her ear.

"Welcome to my home." I tell her.

"Thanks for inviting me." She says.

"I didn't." I tell her and didn't realize how bad that came out until I saw her look embarassed?

"Right. Sorry." She says.

"Don't mind him. He's an ass sometimes. Let's go get something to drink." Giselle interrupts while glaring at me and takes her hand and everyone heads over towards the bar.

Throughout the night, I was hanging out with Elliot and his friend and their girlfriends along with supposedly my mate.

Her and I started getting to know one another more and found we out we had a lot in common.

In fact, no joke and not trying to sound cliche and all but it seriously felt as though everyone and the rest of the world around us disappeared and faded in the far distance, including the music.

From all the bodies in the mansion, it got hot in the place really quick so I suggested her and I head outside in the back.

Once we got out onto the patio, I had noticed she was shivering a little bit so I put my coat over her and she smiled.

"Thanks." She says.

"You're welcome." I smirk.

"You have a beautiful place here." She comments.

"Thanks but it's more of my parents." I chuckled.

"I see." She says.

"What about you?" I ask.

"What do you want to know?" She asks nervously all of a sudden.

"Whatever you're willing to tell me of course. However, mind you that if you're a rogue and don't really belong to a pack and... " I suddenly stop myself as she seemed to be confused.

"Sorry, what I meant was what's the name of your family's wolf pack?" I asked trying not to sound too pushy.

"I heard you but I don't know what you mean." She says as she continues looking confused.

"You know, werewolves?" I tell her.

"What?! Those aren't real!" She chuckles.

"Oh god, you're a human aren't you?!" I ask as soon as it hits me.

"Of course I'm a human as are you, Giselle, Kavina and your guys also." She tells me with a little laugh.

"I can't believe this." I say under my breath that I guess she hears as well.

"What? What is it?"  She asks me concerned.

Then before I had a chance to say anything, we get interrupted from one of my guys who tells me Rivers is here.

Rivers is around my age and he has loved taking our kind and putting fear into humans. He's fascinated by the way humans and stories and movies even have portrayed us and wants that to happen again. He has a small group. To us, they have the attitude of rogues but they are far more dangerous. See, he IS the leader. He wasn't born a werewolf. He was turned into one when he was little. His father tried finding a cure but he couldn't so instead, Rivers just again, became obsessed with movies such American Werewolf in London and the one Paris and became obsessed. Since then he has recruited hundreds of some tourists but mainly other humans that are local. They love the thirst of blood. They inject themselves with what we consider the 'red' formula because sure it makes them shift quicker cause they never did learn how to really do it on their own.

Now they are the biggest threat we have had since forever and the council even are too afraid to go near them.

I have been trying to keep the peace but it's not working and drastic measures I fear will need to take place. Of course that means I will need permission from the council but they said IF it gets to that point ever, they make the call then will send me and my pack for we are one of the best and most fearless you will ever find.

I couldn't handle dealing with the situation Elliot has brought us all but now also this could be a danger even more if they find out she's not a werewolf as well.

I look at Anna and forget she doesn't have mind link abilities so I grab her hand and start pulling her along with me.

"Whatever you do, don't speak or make eye contact." I tell her although she is confused even more as hell now.

"Where are we." She says.

"Quiet!" I snap at her not meaning to but I have no time to explain why and how much danger she is in.

So she remains quiet and I put her behind me as we are now standing a couple feet across from each other (Rivers and I).

Everyone has already stopped and is glaring at Rivers as they know his reputation along with a lot of scared looks too.

"Ah, Landon. Now why is it I wasn't invited?!" He smirks.

"You know why. I don't know how you got in here but..." I started and then was stopped.

"Relax. I just wanted to come and have some fun." He states. Then he starts sniffing the air and sticking his nose up as he inhales deeply and then has a smile upon his face.

"You need to leave." I tell him before he says anything about Anna.

"I see I'm not the ONLY uninvited guest here." He says with half a smile as he looks behind me. "And who is this beautiful curvy creature?"

"Leave her alone. She's just a family friend." I tell him.

He looks at me with a cocked eyebrow and lets me know he doesn't believe me and leans forward and says under his breath.

"We both know that isn't true." He states.

I wanted to punch him. I wanted to claw at him. Torture him even and finally cut him open and watch him bleed to death. But I couldn't lose my cool. I wasn't a savage like him. I wasn't as much of a MONSTER like him.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) I have to go to work now but don't worry, I will post more when I get off tonight! :);) I promise!!

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