CHAPTER 16: How Did This Happen?!

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I couldn't ask for a better date or a better night in general. To be honest also, I didn't think tonight was going to go as well as it has.

He's very romantic and thoughtful and I believe has shown a side to me that I get the feeling he hasn't shown others. As in other women.

I felt special. Like I was the only girl in the world.

After the night air became more cold, we decided to head back towards the car to head home.

While driving back towards the house, about halfway there, I noticed for the last few minutes, Landon's demeanor became different and looked to be clenching his jaw a little while looking behind us a few times.

Before I could get a chance to ask if everything was okay or not, he asked the driver to make a sharp left turn coming up.

When the driver did, he started to speed up as well and if it wasn't for Landon having his arm around me to hold me next to him, I would for sure have hit my head on the other side of the car.

"What's going on?!" I asked worried.

"We're being followed." He replies through clenched teeth. "Driver, pick up the speed and at the second right, make a sharp turn and head down the alleyway." He tells the guy.

All of a sudden I feel as though we are in a scene where we are being chased by another car and I have a feeling it might be that Rivers guy from before that everyone seems to hate.

Then when the car catches up and is now on my side of the car, I take a quick look over and notice the driver isn't Rivers, it's my ex, Arlen.

"Arlen." I say under my breath feeling both scared and confused at the same time.

"You know who that is?" Landon asks me.

"Yeah." I replied and quickly looked down at the floor then cuddled up closer to Landon as I felt him hold me even tighter.

"It's okay." He says and then the next thing we feel is our car being hit and then I feel another hit only this time it was the driver hitting Arlen's car and causing him to lose control and hit a wall.

We continued driving until we got to the alleyway and sped down through it for a couple miles before coming out and onto the road towards the house.

How did he find me? Oh my god why the hell can't I ever catch a break?!

When we finally pull up towards the house, we get out of the car and Landon takes hold of my hand and walks up to the driver.

"Send me a bill and here's for you. Thanks." Landon finishes while handing him a couple grand to the driver who of course is very grateful.

We hurry into the house and as soon as we walk inside, I see Elliot, Rockwell, Kavina and Giselle all sitting at the dining table playing a card game when they look up and see us then get up and walk towards us.

"You guys okay? What the hell happened to you guys?!" Elliot asks worried.

Giselle and Kavina both gave me a hug and asked if I was okay. Then I told them who we saw and what he tried to do to us.

"Oh shit!" Giselle says.

"How did he find out you were here?" Kavina asks me.

"I don't know." I reply.

"Anna?" I hear Landon say my name. "How do you know Arlen Jones?" He asks.

I wait a moment before replying as I really don't want to say we used to be a couple. Then again, I don't want to lie to him neither.

"He's my ex." I tell him.

"You'e what?!" He asks sounding more upset and clenching his fists at his side.

"Him and I used to date. But I haven't kept in contact with him since we broke up." I tell him feeling embarrassed and a little ashamed.

He doesn't say anything and as I look at him I see that his face is red and his eyes, they've gotten darker?

"Calm down." Elliot says to him as he puts his hand on his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell us? Plus if you know him then you must've....." Landon stops himself.

"Must have what?" I ask upset.

I notice him look at Giselle and everyone as they look like they are confused also. Then they all look at me.

"The study, Now!" Tells them as I wait here while everyone follows him into the study.

I of course need to know what's going on so I follow after they close the door and start to overhear them talking.

"I honestly think she doesn't know what he is. I don't believe he ever showed her." I hear Giselle say.

"But she had to have. None of this is making any sense." I hear Landon say in a frustrated yet at the same time in a more calming demeanor than he was a moment ago.

"But I don't think...." Kavina began but was stopped and interrupted by Landon.

"We have to find out what she knows about him. Besides, she's gonna have to find out soon anyways what we are. We'll have to show her tomorrow. We'll take her to our spot in the middle of the woods behind the house and we'll take care of everything then and find out just who she really is and just how much she knows." Landon states.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Kavina protests.

"Well we're running out of time." Landon states.

"Fine! But I swear if you hurt her or scare her away, I will personally never forgive you and will make you suffer greatly." Giselle says sounding as though she's about to cry.

What the hell is going on? What do they plan to do with me? What are they gonna show me? Oh god, they're gonna take me in the middle of the woods and probably confess they're murderers or something and torture me to death. Oh god, what do I do?!

I begin to panic a little, however, at the same time, I can hear their footsteps getting closer to the door so I quickly look around and see I'm closer to the front door than anything else. So I start to run as fast as I can and all I can hear in the distance as I'm almost out in the street, are them calling out for me.

However, I ignore them. I can't trust them anymore or what they want to tell me. How in the hell did a perfect night get ruined all because I know Arlen?!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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