CHAPTER 31: Hopefully, No Side Effects

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Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have started off telling him that I needed to talk to him because that obviously could be taken a different way.

When he closes the door behind him in room.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"I need for you to understand something. I know that you're worried I might change my mind and want to back out from going through with all of this but I won't. I need for you to trust me." I tell him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I said it out loud." He tells me as he looks down at the ground.

"You didn't and I didn't read your mind but the look you had said it all." I explain and try to hold back the tears I feel starting to from in my eyes from the hurt I feel that he thinks I would back out after we have already gone through.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I just get scared." He says while walking towards the bed and sits down putting his face in his hands.

"I know that you're worried but you need to remember that I already made my choice and knew what I was getting into before having you mark me and then after you did that, it made it official." I tell him while taking a seat next to him, rubbing his back.

"Anna, the risk is very big in hurrying the shifting process but, if you insist on fighting with us and putting me at ease that you're safe and can defend yourself, we have to do this." He says.

"I know and I'm all on board with it." I assure him with a smile.

He turns his head to look at me and smiles before we lean in and kiss each other. Then after pulling apart, we talk a little more and he tells me what all to be careful of but he promised everyone will be right here for me and that he will for sure help too.

We head back downstairs and see everyone sitting back down at the dinner table only with Arlen now, waiting for us.

"So we've finished talking about it and she has agreed to do it tomorrow." Landon announces while holding my hand.

Everyone smiled as they stood up and walked towards us.

"Good. We will start at 8 AM." His dad tells me.

"Okay." I nod.

"Well, we should at least try and show you what all to expect." Giselle smiles as she takes my hand as well as Kavina does and everyone starts to follow us out into the backyard except for Landon's parents.

For the rest of the day and up until late at night, everyone was showing me some fighting techniques but said they were going easy on me cause I haven't shifted yet. However, they sometimes were showing me techniques by going against each other and then explaining to me what all was going to happen as well as about controlling the urges to fight unless it's absolutely necessary, etc.

There was a lot more to being a wolf than I realized and they had few rules but yet there were serious consequences.

I went to bed exhausted and had to have Landon carry me up the stairs as I felt I had no strength left after what they had me do.

The Next Day

Today was it. This morning, after I woke up, got dressed and ready for more training and knowledge as well as being turned, I was feeling both excited and yet nervous at the same time.

In just a few moments, I was no longer gonna be human. I would forever become a werewolf and live to be hundreds of years old, never wear silver again, howl at a moon, grow lots of hair when I shifted and become something instead of someone.

I felt like it was my first day of school between the nerves and the excitement at the same time.

When I walked outside in the backyard, everybody was waiting for me and standing in a half circle. Well, except Landon's mom was sitting back in a chair and I saw several other pack members standing around and watching.

"Good morning baby." Landon kisses me as he approaches.

"Morning." I smile at him.

"Don't be nervous." He says.

"I'm not." I assure him.

He smiles at me and looks at his dad who hands him a shot with dark blue liquid inside of it.

"Now no matter what, I need for you to listen to everything I tell you." He says.

"Okay." I nod.

He next takes my arm and turns it to where the inside of my palm is facing up and injects me with it.

When he's done, he hands the syringe back to his dad and kisses the spot he just injected me with that stuff at.

"I love you." He tells me and as I say it back he starts backing up and stands next to Giselle and the rest of them in the half circle.

We all stand there looking at each other while his parents are now off to the side and everyone is staring at me and waiting.

"So when does this stuff kick in...." I started to ask but right as I did, that's when I was immediately cut off with sharp pain.

First it hit was my stomach and I could hear some ribs begin to crack. I bent over holding my stomach as I winced in pain and tried my hardest to keep it together but suddenly the pain intensified as I dropped to my knees the moment my ankle bone started to crack, then it kept escalating from there. My body was stretching and my bones were growing in ways that they shouldn't.

I was now on all fours on the ground, looking up at at everyone wondering why they are just standing there and not helping me.

"It's okay baby. I promise the pain will go away. Focus on all the abilities and strength you will have as a wolf. Be strong." I hear Landon tell me.

I could see Giselle and Kavina trying hard not to cry and fighting the urge to help me.

"OW!" I began to cry then started yelling and screaming in intense amount of pain that quickly turned onto a loud growl.

Then my entire body was covered in so much deep maroon shaded hair to where you couldn't see my skin. My eye sight became immediately sharp as well along with my hearing became much better and my nails were razor sharp while being attached to my elongated fingers. Then I stood up on my hind legs and I must say, I feel I'm towering over everybody as they look at me in shock.

"What is everyone looking at?" I tried asking but forgot, I can't talk without it sounding like I'm howling or growling. I wonder though if I can mind link.

"Yes you can my love." Landon smiles at me.  "You look beautiful."

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
Well, she finally turned into a werewolf. Let's just hope there's no 'side effects.' :(

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