CHAPTER 9: Harder Than I Thought

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I had slept on the couch last night and damn was it uncomfortable. Then again it's not really made for sleeping on. I could have slept next to my mate and both my wolf and I wanted to but at the same time, I didn't want to freak her out in the morning waking up next to someone she doesn't know. Well, she does, but I guess I should say, me.

It was eight in the morning and nobody seemed to be up yet, so I decided to go upstairs in my room and take a shower.

After finishing, I came walking out as quietly as possible without a shirt and wearing sweatpants while slicking my wet hair back.

"Sleep well?" I asked Anna as I notice out the corner of my eye that she's awake.

"Yeah." She quietly replies.

"Your snore by the way is really cute." I laugh a little. It sounds almost like a cute baby pig.

"I don't snore." She scowls at me.

"Okay." I smile at her. She's so cute and beautiful in the morning.

She looks down at herself and is probably surprised I didn't change her out of her clothes from last night.

"Am I in your room?" She asks.

"Yep." I reply as I throw on a man's tank and turn towards her while putting on my watch.

"Where did you sleep?" She asks.

"On the couch. Don't worry, I'm not that kind of a guy." I assure her with a wink. "Why don't you take those pills on the night stand there with some water and then come downstairs for some breakfast." Before giving her a chance to reply, I begin making my way downstairs.

The moment I get downstairs, I see Giselle, Elliot, Kavina and Rockwell all sitting at the table with food already prepared as they drink their coffees.

"Good morning Alpha." They bowed in unison.

"Good morning. Who made breakfast?" I asked while sitting at the head of the table.

"Kavina and I did." Giselle replied.

"Thank you." I tell them.

"Is Anna okay?" Giselle asks.

"She'll be fine. I think maybe she drank a little too much but, she'll be fine. She should be down here in a few." I tell them and then stop myself and look over my shoulder as I smell her coming out of the room and then hear her walking down the stairs.

We all look at her and greet her with smiles.

"Good morning." She greets us a little shy.

"Morning." Everyone greets her.

"We've made some breakfast." Giselle says while modeling with her hands over the food.

"Looks good. Thanks." Anna replies and then takes a seat next to me without even asking. Yet, she doesn't know anything especially that her chair is at the other end of the table but that will have to come later.
Plus, I like the closeness anyways.

After we all make our plates and begin eating, we begin sharing an awkward moment of silence with each other. Then we hear Elliot start to clear his throat.

"So um, what's the plan for today?" He asks me.

I look up at him thinking about how random that was.

"Well we have to do a few things and then you guys can do what you want around here." I say before taking a bite of pancakes.

"What are you guys doing if you don't mind me asking." Anna says.

"Just some family stuff. It won't take long." Rockwell chimes in.

"Okay." She says. "Well, before you guys leave, can one of you guys please drop me off at the hotel so I can take a shower and change my clothes?" Anna asks.

We all are quiet for a moment as everyone then starts to look at me while waiting for me to say something. I ignore their looks and finish my last few bites then sit back in my chair, drink some more coffee and looking straight ahead before answering.

"You're staying here from now on." I say while avoiding the glare I'm receiving from her as I can feel it burning a hole in the side of my face.

"And why is that?" She asks.

"Because unfortunately, you decided to take a vacation to here, at the worst time. The streets are very dangerous during day or night, but especially at night. So you will be staying here. Don't worry though, there's plenty to do. We have a movie theater room, game room...." I started but she stopped me.

"Hold up!" She says while holding up her hand. "I don't care if you have a roller coaster even in your backyard, I came to England to see the sights and who knows when I'll have the chance again to come back. So do me a favor and don't toss me aside and try and shut me up like I'm a kid you got stuck babysitting." She says angrily.

Wow, she really has some guts talking back to me. However, I do like it. Yet at the same time, as much as I understand where she's coming from, I can't stop being an Alpha and wanting to protect my mate.

She next storms off and into the living room where she plops herself onto the couch with her arms crossed over her chest. So much for not looking and acting like a kid when she sure is pouting like one.

I look at everyone and they look at me back with looks that say it's my call.

"Is she really this stubborn?" I ask them.

"To be honest, she rarely speaks up about things. Something about you must give her confidence or something." Kavina states.

"Well I can't have her going out and being put in harm's way." I tell them.

"True. But you can't treat her like a prisoner neither." Elliot points out.

Damn, this is gonna be harder than I thought.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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