CHAPTER 4: What's Going On?!?

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I'm not sure in what is going on right now but I feel lost and confused as to what is happening. What was with the questions he asked me outside moments ago? And who in the hell is this jerk off who's looking at me like I'm some piece of meat?!

"Leave her alone. She's just a family friend." I hear Landon tell the guy and he then leans in and says something to Landon I wasn't able to hear.

I could see the tension and how upset Landon was getting as he started squeezing my hand a little tighter.

"Ow." I said under my breath while trying to break my hand free from his grasp.

He looks back at me and I can see in his eyes that he didn't mean it.

Rather he did or not, I was beginning to get afraid.

Was he in a gang or the mafia? What the hell are my friends a part of?

Both Landon and this Rivers guy seem to have a glaring contest with each other for a few more moments as everyone else stares at us in complete silence waiting for something to happen as they hold their breaths.

"Well, I guess I should go now. We'll be seeing each other soon." Rivers tells Landon and then he looks at me and winks. "And I'll be seeing you around sexy." He tells me then turns and leaves.

I hear everyone let out their breaths they apparently were holding in.

"Party is over!" I hear Landon say and then turns and looks at Elliot, Giselle, Kavina, me and Rockwell while walking past us. "In the study, NOW!" He seethes.

He stomps towards the room and we all follow although I'm a bit terrified as if I was getting into trouble over something I'm not sure though.

He nods to his parents who next then announce to everyone the masquerade is over while we head towards wherever it is he's taking us to.

As soon as we get outside of the room though, Giselle turns to me and asks me to sit down in the chair that's right outside of the room and they would be out soon.

I became more and more nervous as I was afraid that I had some something wrong and that I ruined our trip. I took off my eye mask and felt like something that was supposed to be fun has suddenly turned into a strange and yet uncomfortable night.

While time passed and everyone was leaving and the cleaning crew and servants were cleaning up and putting things away, it seemed like hours had gone by before the door finally opened and the first person that walked out was Landon. I knew it had to be him. And now looking at him without his mask on, I know it might not make sense and may sound crazy but, he looked even hotter without the mask.

Right as soon as I stood, we locked eyes for a moment but he looked upset at me and was scowling a little bit.

What the hell did I do? I thought to myself as I found myself then scowling back at him with confusion.

He looked as though he wanted to say something as I noticed his balled up fists at his side but he instead just stormed off.

Then all my friends had come walking out with their masks off and then Kavina and Giselle began walking up to me and suggested we had back to the hotel suite.

The guys ended up staying back at the house to try and I guess talk with Landon more while the girls and I went back to the hotel.

I felt I had the right to know in what all just happened. As I was still confused as hell. So while on our way back to the hotel, I thought I would ask.

"What the hell was that all about?" I asked finally.

"Sorry about that. Rivers is just an old friend of ours that had a huge fallout a few years back with Landon and they've been enemies ever since." Giselle began.

"This whole night, well, not the whole night but after I went outside and talked with Landon, ever since then, things got weird really quick and then with that Rivers guy, I just felt there was something going on that everyone knew about except for me. I felt weird and uncomfortable. And I don't mean to get up in your guys' business but, are you guys in a gang or part of the mafia or something?" I come out and ask.

Both Giselle and Kavina look at one another confused for a moment and then suddenly busted out in laughter.

"Oh my god. That is hilarious!" Giselle begins saying through her fit of laughter.

"I'm glad you both find this funny." I say a little irritated while looking out the window with my arms crossed against my chest.

"Sorry but, that was funny." Kavina says.

"We're all just really close friends. And as you already know that Elliot is his cousin, but I promise, we aren't a gang or part of the mafia." Giselle says.

I don't even reply. I just nod in my head as I feel they aren't telling me something. But maybe I am still jet lagged a little and just want to go to sleep and wake up tomorrow hoping this was all just one bad dream.

Why can't I have one small amount of 'normal' in my life?!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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