CHAPTER 17: Show Me!

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This was bad. That's all I can describe it as. What I am confused about more than anything right now is how the fact that she dated Arlen but doesn't know he's a werewolf just like us, not to mention part of Rivers crew.

I say 'crew' because a 'pack' is more of a bond rather than a sick and twisted version of people that were chosen to become part of some sick fuck's plan like Rivers.

I don't know why or how but I do believe my cousin and them when they explain that she doesn't know who he is.

The next thing we hear as soon as we were about to go and talk to Anna was the front door swing open and hit the wall and Anna running out front and once she got close to the street, I sprinted out past everyone and grabbed her around the waist to pull her back.

As I turned her around to face me she immediately started hitting me and for a human I got to admit that she hits pretty hard. Not that it phased me but I'm impressed.

"Let me go!" She says while still hitting me and as soon as she punches me in the face, that's I snap back to the moment again and as everyone behind me gasps, I can also see the immediate regret and fear on Anna's face.

So I start to grin at her and then I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder then turn and start walking back towards the house with her kicking and screaming as she starts rambling about I don't know what.

Once we get back into the house, I take her upstairs and put her in her room, locking the door behind us before tossing her onto the bed and her bouncing a little off the mattress.

"Calm down." I tell her while trying not to laugh at how cute she sounds and looks.

"Please don't kill me." She says with true horror on her face and in her voice.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk with you." I begin.

"No. I heard you all downstairs. You're gonna take me into the middle of the woods and hurt me." She says as she quickly gets off the bed and stands in the corner on the other side.

I never wanted to scare her. And we never mentioned about killing her.

"Anna, listen to me. I can promise you right now, we don't plan to hurt you. We want to show you something." I tell her.

"Oh my god, that's even worse." She protests to me.

I grab the bridge of my nose and let out a sigh of frustration and then decide to not wait until tomorrow.

"Come with me." I tell her.

"No I'm not going anywhere with you." She says.

"Just please, come on." I ask in a more subtle tone.

She looks at me for a bit like she's trying to decide if rather or not she should trust me which is breaking mine and my wolf's heart.

Finally, I see her slowly begin walking towards me still looking as though she's afraid.

I begin heading out of the room and wait for her to come walking out in front of me and we begin heading downstairs towards everyone who are all waiting at the foot of the stairs.

"We are so sorry." Giselle begins apologizing and tries to hug Anna but she backs up a little.

"Hold on." I tell Giselle. "Guys, we can't wait until tomorrow. We have to tell her tonight. So let's all go sit at the table." I explain.

We all start heading towards the table in the dining room and understandably notice Anna sitting at the far end of the table away from us a little.

We all sit there in silence for a bit until Elliot says something.

"Anna, before we start to explain anything. I want you to know that we have been so lucky to have a great friend like you in our lives and I hope none of this changes anything." He begins.

Anna stays quiet for a moment before saying something.

"Friends? Pff." She says. "You all have lied to me. About what I don't know yet but whatever it is, the fact you guys never trusted me enough to tell me, hurts beyond words. Then I come here and meet you..." She begins to say while looking at me with tears in her eyes, "You hurt me the most."

That did it. My wolf began to whimper as I began to fight back tears.

"Anna..." I started.

"Just tell me what you guys have to tell me." She interrupts while glaring at me.

"I'll just come out and say it. We aren't humans." I began.

"What?" She looks at me confused.

"We're not humans." I tell her.

"What are you then? Aliens?" She asks.

"Nope. Werewolves." I tell her.

Everyone looks at me curious as to why I would just blurt it out.

I notice Anna start to shake her head.

"Unbelievable." She says under her breath. 

"I know it's hard to grasp and understand it. But it's the truth. That's what we are and what we had planned to tell and show you tomorrow in the middle of the woods." I explain.

She remains quiet and looks at all of us one by one then looks back at me.

"Show me." She says.

We all look at each other to see if we heard her correctly just now.

"What?" I asked her to make sure I heard correctly.

"I said show me. If it really is true then show me. Otherwise, I'll have no other choice than to believe you all are making up some ridiculous excuse to cover your true intentions for me which is to kill me." She says with certainty and her arms crossed in front of her chest waiting.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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