CHAPTER 26: Hell No!!

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Last night was amazing and it seemed like we couldn't get enough of each other ever since. I can't wait until she shifts and marks me.

I do have my worries though about when she does start to shift because normally, for humans, I've heard that the pain for the first time shifting is more excruciating than if you were born as one.

Already I could tell for a while now that she would make a great Luna.

Since this was our last night here before returning home (which neither of us wanted  but knew we had to), I had decided to let her choose whatever she had wanted to do.

So we went and had a lot of fun together after googling a few things. We also had a picnic in the park nearby then finished the day off by having dinner at a cafe that happens to be one of my favorites to go to.

Once returning back to the hotel and as soon as I opened the door and right away, I could tell smell the scent of a rogue.

"What is it?" Anna asks me as she hears my wolf and I low growl.

"Stay here." I tell her as I close the door and have her wait right there.

I begin to prepare as well as my wolf, to shift if needed to while walking cautiously walking further into the suite and instantly growl louder as I see Arlen sitting down on the sofa.

Instantly he see's and hears me and jumps up terrified while quickly raising his hands up in front of him.

"Hold on." He begins.

"You've got some nerve. Not to mention a fucking death wish." I threaten.

"Listen. I know you wan't to hurt me right now....." He began but I cut him off.

"More like kill." I tell him while showing my razor sharp canines as we continue to circle around the room across from each other.

"Please. Just listen to what I have to say first and then of you still want to kill me that's fine, I won't put up a fight." He proclaims.

"Arlen?" Anna comes walking in.

"I thought I told you to stay put?!" I snap at her, not meaning to.

"Don't snap at me!" She fires back. "Why the hell are you even here?!" She asks him.

"I came to warn you both. In particular, you." He tells her with both regret and pain in his eyes.

I still am not too sure I believe him after all he has done to not just me but especially for Anna.

"How the hell did you even find us?!" She demanded from him.

"I have a friend that works in room service here and he told me." He says.

"Oh god." We hear Anna gasp.

"Please, I know that you both want to rip me from limb to limb but I'm begging you both to please first just hear me out." He pleads even more.

I look at Anna who looks at me. Damnit, I wish she'd hurry and shift so we could mind link.

I roll my eyes in annoyance but have her sit next to me on the sofa, opposite from where Arlen takes a seat at.

"You have ten minutes and not a second more." I warn him.

He nods his head in agreement and starts to explain.

"First off, I want to apologize to you Anna. I know I was terrible to you when we were together but Rivers had fucking tricked me and turned me into this monster." He tells me then looks back at her and continues.

"I can never make it right and I know that I don't deserve your friendship but I didn't know how to control anything and wasn't allowed to tell you. I dealt with it on my own after you left and I'm sorry for everything." He says.

"Is that really what you wanted to tell us?" I say through clenched teeth.

"Ow." Anna says beneath her breath. I hadn't realized, I was squeezing her hand so tightly.

"I'm sorry love." I tell her as I look into her eyes and kiss her hand.

"It's okay." She smiles at me.

Then we direct our attention back to Arlen to finish.

"So anyways, I'm sure that you've both heard about the big party he's having Friday." He says.

"We've heard." I tell him.

"He plans to try and get you and your pack to come." He states.

"Well that'll never happen. Even if so, it would be to save the humans that were also tricked into going." I tell him.

"He has a plan already set up in knowing it'll happen." He says.

"And what is that?" I sit back and smirk while crossing my arms over my chest.

"A sacrifice." He says while he looks at Anna.

Next chapter will be posted soon!

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