CHAPTER 22: How Embarassing

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The meeting was interesting and also a bit scary to me because of the situation in what is happening.

After the meeting was over, Landon took my hand and we quickly made it up into his bedroom where he closed and locked the door behind us before we sat down on the bed.

"Anna I need for you to understand something. I didn't want things to be like this and everything happen so fast but, under the circumstances, I would feel more comfortable if you'd let me mark you." He begins.

"What? As in, biting me and causing me to turn?" I ask.

"Yeah, in a sense." He replies.

"But what of I'm not ready for that yet? Mind you we just started seeing each other and I know that if I were to be with you you'd have to change me eventually but, why this quickly?"

"Because being my mate alone, human or not, you are a target. But the fact you're my mate AND a human, it'll be worse." He explains.

"How though?" I ask curious.

"Because if for example you were to be attacked, a wolf's strength is the same as a hundred men all in one compared to a single human. Then to make things worse, you wouldn't be able to mind link and tell me where you are or any of that or be able to defend yourself." He starts and then stops himself a bit.

"But I always have one of you guys with me or you." I began to explain.

"I'm just thinking of the worst case scenario. Not to mention if you are not marked, someone else can do that." He says while taking hold of my hand and looking into my eyes.

I can't believe I am being asked this as of right now. And as much as it freaks me out to know that I can be killed in an instant, just the thought of being marked as well by another, possibly Arlen is just as bad as the being killed easily part.

"Can I think about it?" I ask.

He lets out a sigh and then nods his head.

"Of course but, just remember that we don't have much time." He says.

I nod my head and then he stands up and helps me stand as well while escorting me out and into my bedroom and we tell each other 'goodnight'.

I stayed up most of the night trying to think of the pros and cons to all of this and to go back and forth in my head about why I should do this. I'm gonna end up doing this anyways in the end.

So after falling asleep finally and waking up this morning, I was thinking about it some more throughout the day and then finally decided.

When trying to find him, I had asked one of the pack members if she had seen where Alpha Landon was and she told me in his office.

I was so excited that I couldn't wait to tell him my answer so I just busted through the door like a kid and started saying out loud, "Baby, I've made my decision and I want you to mark me." As soon as I finished the sentence I had noticed at THAT moment that he was having a meeting with some people.

He smiled at me as did everyone else in the room but I however knew I was bright red as I felt extremely embarrassed as if suddenly I was naked.

"Well she's adorable." One of the older gentlemen commented towards me.

"I-I'm so sorry." I said and quickly turned around and ran out the door and up into my room.

I'm such an idiot. Why couldn't I have knocked first like I always do? And oh my god, Landon has got to feel just as embarrassed. Which I didn't mean to embarrass him. Oh god, I'm just gonna stay in my room for the rest of the night.

I next hear a knock and fear it's him but the door opens and I notice Kavina and Giselle is there. They start walking in and sit on the bed facing me.

"Okay that was hands down the cutest thing I had ever seen." Giselle smiles at me.

"Glad somebody liked it. I however felt embarrassed. I hope he wasn't." I tell them feeling like I want to cry.

"Oh hell no. Trust me, he was flattered. Didn't you notice the big smile on his face?" Giselle asks.

"Not really." I mumbled.

"Well don't worry. I promise, I'm sure he wasn't embarrassed." Giselle says with a wink.

"I hope not." I chuckle.

I hear another knock on the door and see Landon leaning against the doorway smiling at me.

"We'll see ya later." Kavina comments before they both get up and leave.

He shuts the door behind them and meanwhile, I remain sitting on the bed with my knees to mg chest avoiding eye contact with him as I still feel embarrassed.

I next feel the bed to my left side begin to dip a little as he sits and leans back against the headboard.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I should have knocked." I begin to apologize.

He just chuckles and takes hold of my hand, brings it up to his lips and places a gentle kiss on the back of it and then has me look at him.

"To be honest, I thought it was hot and very sweet. Just what I wanted to hear." He smiles at me.

"Really?" I ask.

"I promise." He smiles even more and then leans in and kisses me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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