CHAPTER 19: I Fucked Up

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I can't tell by the way she's looking at me at the moment if rather or not she believes she's my mate as I'm sure she is trying to process this as well.

However, if she doesn't accept me in the end, I hope she could at least just tell me she rejects me so that I can deal with the pain sooner than later.

She closes her eyes and I notice a tear fall from her eyes as she catches it quickly.

"I need to process all of this." She tells us and then leaves and heads up to her room.

We all then look at each other with guilt and sadness.

"You alright Alpha?" I hear Rockwell ask me.

"I don't know. I hope so." I reply. "I'm gonna get some air. Keep an eye on her." I tell them and stand up then leave to start walking down the street for a few blocks before reaching the city.

When I do I stop at the nearest pub and head inside where I walk straight up to the bar and order something.

Now wolves vs humans when it comes to almost everything, including drinking, the difference is we need more than humans to get shitfaced.

I start ordering my drink and the bartender behind the bar is a young and good looking girl who has blonde curly platinum hair with dark pink color underneath along with a tube top, implants halfway out and daisy dukes on. Definitely not my type but then again, no other woman is my type but my mate.

I shoot back all that's in my glass and have her bring me another drink.

"Here you go sexy." She winks at me.

"Thanks." I reply and shoot it back again. Then have her bring me another and then another for the next couple of hours and I'm still not buzzed, with it being five strong drinks later.

This is one of those rare times when I wish I was human. That way I'd be shitfaced right now and not think about how badly I probably fucked up my chances with Anna.

I finally then decide to leave before I really do get drunk. So I leave some money on the bar and then I get up and suddenly start feeling lightheaded and a little dizzy which is weird. But maybe I just got up too fast or something.

I try walking outside and am ready to call out for a taxi nearby when I quickly feel someone grab me by the back of my hoodie and throw me down hard back into an alleyway.

I try to get back up and see who the dead man was but I couldn't see clearly, everything was blurry. What the fuck is going on? Then I start to think, did that bartender drug me? I quickly mind link my beta Derk, who has been M.I.A. for the past couple of days for I don't know why. But then I mind link Elliot and Rockwell to come and help me out as well.

"Calling your pathetic cousin and his buddy to come help you?" An all-too-familiar voice asks.

"Derk?" I question.

"That's right. Sorry I've been a little busy the past couple days but I've been trying to close a deal with Rivers. You know, he ain't such a bad guy." He states.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" I ask pissed off while trying to get up.

Then the next thing I feel is a blow to my jaw and as I try to fight back, I feel myself being pushed back hard and up against the wall while my arms are pinned and I'm being punched in the stomach a few times as well as the face.

Whatever that bitch put in my drink I swear I'll have her killed. It's causing me to not have my normal Alpha strength or ability to shift or fucking see clearly. I swear, only weak ones will use shit like this.

Then the next thing I hear is grunting and punches and my wrists being released as I fall to the ground. Then in a swift moment, I am helped up and both my arms are being swung over two people's shoulders.

"We got you Alpha." I hear Elliot say.

Then we get into a car and I explain to them what all happened. Then we get back to the house and they plop me onto the couch and one of them runs off as I start to hear Giselle, Kavina and even Anna run up asking what happened.

Rockwell begins to explain and then I hear Elliot as well as see his silhouette through the blur and notice him put a small bottle in my hand.

"Put that in your eyes. Your sight will clear up right away." He says.

I then tilt my head back and put the drops into my eyes. Then I blink a few times before I start noticing a big difference and am finally able to see clearly again.

The first thing I notice is Anna standing behind everyone, looking at me and looks like she's been crying a little.

"Guys, can you give us a minute?" I ask them while looking at her.

They all nod in agreement and head out the room. I then see her walking towards me and I notice she is holding a wet cloth as she sits down a little bit apart from me but is still on the right side of me on the couch.

"Anna, I'm so sorry." I start.

She turns and looks at me then places the wet cloth onto my lips and starts to wipe the blood off as she dabs at it.

She tries to stop herself from crying before she says anything.

"This has been one hell of a night and a date." She jokes.

I start to smile.

"I know this is a lot for you to take in and I've put you through all this." I began to apologize.

"It's okay. I mean, it is a lot to process but, after you left tonight, I felt more alone than I ever have in my whole life. It sounds crazy because I haven't known you for long and we just went on our first date. But, something about you has brought the best out of me. The part of me that I didn't know I had. I might not have the abilities you all have, including the whole mate thing and the feelings or pull or whatever you call it, but there's something about you." She says.

That just made my me feel a lot better. Well, both my wolf and I. I then lift her chin back up to see me and smile at her.

"Even without the mate thing, I would still want to be with you and nobody else." I assure her.

She slowly starts to smile as I wipe a tear that falls from one of her eyes away with my finger before leaning in closer and kissing her.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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