CHAPTER 15: I'm A Little Relieved

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Dinner was really good and the more I got to talk to her, the more I noticed how her and I weren't too much different from one another.

My wolf and I could feel ourselves beginning to fall fast and easily even more with every minute that went by being with her.

When dinner was over I thought about showing her a few more spots that I liked walking around and then decided to take her to a bridge that was located over water that separated a town.

Of course the view was beautiful during the daylight but with the moonlight bouncing off the water below and the twinkle lights laced over the bridge walls. It was then that you could see the true beauty and the history of all the different stories each building told.

The town was what a village becomes with no city planning and a great enthusiasm for architecture. Every building was different, borrowing this and that from another era. It made the place as glorious as a beloved grandmother's quilt, every single patch unique and as eye catching as the one before.

We got out of the car and I had the driver wait at the end of the bridge as I took her hand and we walked along the bridge to the middle, passing others that some seemed to be in a hurry while others took their time to take in the view.

We got to the middle of the bridge and I had her look out at the dark water below where you couldn't see the bottom of but you could see the beautiful light from the lamp posts along with the moon, bouncing off it.

"This is really beautiful. It's like something you'd see in a movie or on a postcard." She smiles as I stand beside her with my hand still in hers.

"I used to come here when I was really little. Not many people are ever on here at night and I think it's the perfect time." I began.

"For what?" She asks.

"Because it's a night that you can see the real and true beauty of the architectural visions the people had when building these. I would always come here whenever I would sneak out late at night or was done going for a run...." I stop myself.

"A run? At night?" She asks.

"Yeah. Well, not so much a run as it was just getting away from everything and thinking while observing the world." I continued.

"What were you thinking about?" She asks me.

"Whatever came to my mind. I thought a lot though about my future and what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be. I've always liked having ideas of the future and more like having set goals for myself so I would have things to look forward to."

"And where do you see yourself in ten years?" I her ask in a hidden type curious way.

I look at her as she doesn't stop looking at the water. I then turn her to face me and lift her chin up to look at me as we locked eyes with each other and I gently caressed the side of her face before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

We were sharing a long and very passionate kiss with each other. There of course was lust in there as well as I also could hear my wolf going off but I had to remind him that we don't want to freak her out.

When we stopped to take a breath we looked at each other still and both smiled at one another.

"To answer your question, I hope to be married with kids." I tell her.

"Me too." I hear her say under her breath and I am very pleased to hear her say that as it shows me that so far things are going okay enough to where this might not be too bad after all in having her fall for me and that maybe she won't freak out after hearing I'm a werewolf.....At least that's what I'm hoping for. But I can say that now I feel a little more relieved and less worried than I was before about the idea in telling her.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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