CHAPTER 10: It's a Hoax!

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While sitting here on the couch pouting practically, I can't help it. I feel as though I'm some kid he is forced to babysit and inconveniencing him from whatever he does daily. Yet, he doesn't realize the HUGE inconvenience it has on me.

I expected to have a vacation here in England and all of a sudden it has turned into a lock down/protective services situation. The worst part of it though and most FRUSTRATING to me at least with all this is the fact that nobody is saying anything to me and explaining as to why.

I understand that I have never been here before and all but isn't there danger everywhere you go? Sure there are places more dangerous than others but why can't I take the same precautions and have my friends with me so that way I can still have fun and nobody will have to worry so much.

I try calming myself down for a moment and notice out the corner of my eye Landon is walking towards me. He stops a few feet from me.

"Look. I know you don't understand this but..." He starts talking but I stop him there.

"Hold on!" I stop him by putting my hand up. "Please don't ever start off with talking to me like I'm some idiot or some kind of a little kid that doesn't understand things, alright?" I tell him irritated.

"Fine." He replies while letting out a sigh of frustration. "Then make sure also you don't disrespect and keep interrupting me." He says with a cocked eyebrow.

I wanted to say something but he's right, it is rude. So I just nod my head in agreement before he continues.

"Now, what I meant to say was that I know you understand that the world is dangerous and everything. I also understand that you have come here on vacation and expect to see the sights. Which you should. But you have to understand also, that because I know this place more than you and know things that the news doesn't, you need to trust me when I say to stay here and if you go out, one of us goes with you." He says serious but also with so much care in his eyes.

"Okay. But can I ask,why at least? I mean is there a serial killer or rapist out there that hasn't been caught or several?" I ask.

"Worse. But I don't want to tell you right now. I'll make a deal with you though. If you agree to stay here and have someone with you if you leave, then once I find out enough information of what's happening, I'll explain everything." He suggests.

I look at Elliot and them still sitting at the table, looking at me waiting for me to answer. I still don't understand and don't even know why I'm agreeing to this but I guess I have no choice it seems.

"Alright. Deal." I agree as we shake hands. "But can you at least tell me what you do? Are you a part of the authorities or a secret organization of some kind?" I ask.

"Something like that." He smiles. "Alright then, it's settled. You'll stay here and we'll go out and do a few things before coming back." He says.

"Okay." I tell him.

"Alright." He agrees.

We both stand up and as he starts heading towards the stairs, I remember something to ask him.

"Oh, wait! What about my stuff at the hotel?" I ask him.

"We'll grab it on our way back. In the meantime you can wear my clothes." Kavina says.

"Thanks." I reply.

Her clothes would fit me more than Giselle's cause she's closer to my size so after showing me where her room is at, she takes off with the everyone else and as I look outside her bedroom window after picking out an outfit and before taking a shower, I notice several men surrounding the outside of the woods and a couple guys around the house.

Is this guy the leader of a mob or a gang leader? What the hell have my friends gotten themselves into?

This all has to be a dream. None of this can be real. Any minute now, I'm gonna get a text or call from Kavina and them saying that this is all a hoax and wanted to play this big prank on me so that I can loosen up some more or something.

However, the text nor phone call ever came.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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