CHAPTER 20: I Feel Guilty

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Last night was......something. That's the only word that comes to mind.

I can't believe I agreed to be with a werewolf or that one even existed but to be honest, it's kind of cool.

Don't get me wrong, it's scary but at the same time, I don't feel that way when I'm around him. When I look into his eyes I don't see someone who turns into a creature or the type of monster movies portray them to be. Instead, I see someone who won't for once, hurt me and who wants and will protect me.

I'm sure others would think I'm crazy. However, if it's true with what Landon says about all of them not being that way then who am I to judge right? After all, they could have hurt or killed me at any time but never did.

When I finished showering, I put my clothes on before walking out of the bathroom and while towel drying my hair and opening up the door, I saw Landon sitting up in bed and smiling at me.

"Good morning." I smile at him.

"Morning beautiful." He smiles. "Come here." He tells me.

The closer I get to him the more I notice all his injuries that should still be there only they aren't.

"Wow." I tell him as I sit next to him in bed.

"What?" He asks me.

"Your injuries from last night, they're gone. I guess the stories are all right." I say under my breath while not believing what I'm seeing.

"Yeah." He chuckles.

He next grabs me around the waist and pulls me closer to him causing me to lose my grip and causes my head to fall on his lap as I'm on my back now looking up in his eyes giggling.

He bends down and starts placing a passionate kiss on my lips.

"Who said you could kiss me?!" I tease him with a smile.

"I did." He smiles and winks back at me letting me know he knows I was kidding.

He gives me another kiss and I sit back up.

"So what's the plan for today?" I ask him.

"Before we do anything, we need to think of a plan and we need to find out what all you know about Arlen." He says.

Well that's one way to ruin the mood.

"But I told you everything already. What more do you guys need?!" I say while getting up off the bed and picking up the towel from off the floor I had dropped it at and putting it in the hamper.

"Baby, I didn't mean to make you upset." He begins as he too stands up and walks up to me and turns me around to look at him.

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just that I honestly don't know anything else about him other than what I told you. He has never shifted into his wolf around me and I just don't feel up to talking about the time I was with him. It's taken a lot for me to move on from all of that." I explain.

"It's okay. I believe you but, I still have to at least think of a plan in how we're going to go into protection mode." He tells me.

"Okay. Can I be there?" I ask thinking he's going to say 'no'.

"Of course." He smiles.

"Really? You don't need to ask your pack to make sure it's okay?"

"I'm Alpha babe. I say what goes, not them." He reminds me with a chuckle and another kiss on the lips.

"Okay." I smiled.

Next I left the room so that he could take a shower and get dressed while I made my way downstairs to make some breakfast.

Though when I got down towards the kitchen, I was hit with a delicious smell of pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage.

I next see Giselle and everyone sitting at the table waiting for me and Landon I assume.

"Good morning." They greet me with smiles.

"Good morning." I reply as I take my seat at the end of the table that's across from where Landon normally sits.

"We thought we'd make you both breakfast." Kavina smiles at me.

I look at the table and my stomach starts to growl.

"Thanks. It looks and smells beyond mouthwatering." I compliment.

"Well thank you." She says.

"Smells good." We hear Landon as he comes downstairs with his usual slicked back hair and takes a seat at the other end of the table. Then we begin eating.

"Good morning Alpha." They all greeted him in unison.

As I sit here having this delicious meal with my friends and my boyfriend I start wondering if this means I'm his mate, then wouldn't he have to turn me? I wonder.

"We'll discuss it later but don't worry." I hear Landon say with a playful grin while chewing and with everyone looking at me.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked feeling embarrassed.

"No. We can read thoughts. It's one of our abilities." Giselle explains.

"Oh. Well that's great. You guys can read my thoughts...." I began to say and then stopped when I realized any sexual thought or anything that I thought of about Landon, they can hear it, especially Landon.

I look up at him and he winks and smirks at me.

This will all take some getting used to for sure. However, I think I might need to set some ground rules in how to keep them from reading my thoughts. In fact, let me see if something will work. Well, more like teach them a lesson.

I begin to think of how hot Elliot and Rockwell were.

Elliot and Rockwell both blushed and cleared their throats a little then both Kavina and Giselle looked pissed off at me and when I saw Landon's face, he looked to be beyond furious as his eyes were starting to turn colors.

I couldn't help it when I began bursting out in laughter.

"It isn't funny." Kavina says through clenched teeth.

"Oh come on. Do you guys really think I would ever have those kinds of thoughts?! Besides, serves you all right for invading my mind. That's MY mind and my privacy." I tell them all with a cocked eyebrow in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

Landon lets out a breath and his eyes turn back to normal. Everyone lets out a breath of relief and then begin to laugh a little.

"Sorry about that. As werewolves with that kind of a ability, we forget humans don't have that and we won't do it again without your permission." Giselle promises.

"Good. Thank you." I smiled and continued finishing my breakfast as did the rest of them.

Landon on the other hand seemed to be hiding how upset he really was still. In which it JUST now hit me that wolves have an over jealousy type of thinking. Suddenly I felt sick and guilty.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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