Chapter 3

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Trigger Warning!

I couldn't stop the fire from destroying the club. The second the fire took form, chaos spread throughout the crowd. People running all over the place to get to safety.

         The electricity on my hands turns to a warm flame. My hands covering with the red substance.

"Stop. Please...stop." I couldn't shake the flames off. The fire was even following me as I walk.

"KAT! Where are you!" I could hear Zara over the screams of terror. She was waving by the front door while being dragged out.

"Zar-" Then it goes back.

*  *  *

         The fire. The screams. Then nothing. Just ash blowing in the wind.

        Where ever I was, it was dark. Low mumbles and sounds all around me. My hands bound together as well as my feet. A rough material over my eyes; blindfold.

You idiot Kat. You're being kidnapped.

"She barley has control over her powers."

The fuck?

"She almost died."

"Very doubtful." There were different voices all around. I should've stayed home. That way the building wouldn't have gone up in flames. And I wouldn't have been fucking kidnapped!

"Is this her?"

"Of course it is! We're meant to be...and you think I wouldn't know her?..."

"You think I wouldn't have checked in with her over the years?"

"No...sorry boss."

"Don't push me. You know how dangerous I get when I'm mad."

I had enough of this bullshit. The ropes around my wrists were rubbing against my flesh. Digging into my skin, creating droplets of blood.

But I made the mistake of trying to shake the ropes off. Little moans of pain coming from my mouth. The people becoming quiet.

"Looks like my little minx has woken up." I hear footsteps get closer to me. The blindfold rips off my face; a bright light makes me flinch. After blinking a few times, the images become clear. Five men in fancy suits; the men from the club.

Where the fuck am I? Who are these people? Why am I here?

"Let me go!" I scream at the man's face

"Tsk tsk Kat. It's rude to shout."

" y-you k-know me?" He lifts his hand and gently lays it against my cheek.

"My kitten...we've known each other for hundreds of years."

I think I would have remembered your face.

"I don't know you-"

"Yes you do," His green eyes begin to turn to a blood red, "You've just forgotten. That's what happens to the mind after living hundreds of years."

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