Chapter 39

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4 weeks later...

    The screams. The fire. Then nothing. Just ash blowing in the wind.

My under cover work was becoming harder and harder each day being in this hell hole. Over the course of the last few weeks, I've gained no information. I'm suddenly now jealous of Nick and his cunning ways.

   If I wasn't in my new room, then I was with my mother. She wished to get to know me; since she died when I was only a child. Part of me wanted nothing more than to bond with my mother. Yet the other part knew that we could never be a family.

My family is broken.

And so am I.

She hoped to know every little thing about my life. And all the things I told her were a lie or partly the truth. I couldn't tell nor show her the true me. I guess it's all apart of cover.

The baby is growing fast. He or she kicks the shit out of me. My belly is huge; luckily Axel started to trust me again, giving me a bit of my magic back. And with that magic, I use it to cover my ever-growing stomach. Making it an illusion to everyone but me. Just for extra safety, I keep a knife inside my jacket pocket; in case things go sideways.

    Hopefully today they reveal some sort of the plan. It was the first time that Nick, Axel, Ruby, my mother and I gathered together in weeks. Once I gain this information, I need to find a way out of here.

I could slip up and say something wrong any minute. I'm still a terrible liar; nothing really changed that trait. If I can't save myself, at lease I can survive for my unborn child.

"Now that everyone is here, it's time to put the plan into motion." Axel says

"What plan?" I question

"Now that you are back with us, we can end Damien." My mother says with such pride

"And by end, you mean, kill? Correct?"

"Yes. We can kill him and his offspring." Mother continues with her prideful voice. I tried not to look scared; to hide my clenched fist under the table. Biting my tongue from saying something I shouldn't.

"His child? An innocent child?" I grunt out

"Any child of his is not innocent. The child is the spawn of the devil. Literally." Ruby spits out

I was an innocent child when this madness began.

Now look at me.

"What's the plan exactly?" I ask to get back on the topic.

"We want you to go back to the castle. Sneak inside and kill Damien in his sleep. Then slaughter his child." I couldn't imagine what goes through Axel's mind; probably mass murder, blood, guts and gore. Plus taking everything Damien loves and destroying it.

"You have a problem with that, Kat?" Nick was especially suspicious of me and my motives. He watched me back at the castle; how could I change feelings in a heartbeat?

"It doesn't feel right murdering an innocent child."

"It's Damien's child!" Ruby snaps

Its my child too.

"I...need a minute." I walk off from the group to the next room other. My moment alone is taken up by my mother following, quickly behind me.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" She tries her motherly touch on me, yet giving me no effect on myself.

"I was once an innocent child when this began."

"Then Damien ruined it."

Everyone ruined it.

"I just don't think it's right to ruin another child's life."

"If the child is to grow up, then she will become just like Damien." She was all to happy to kill my baby.



"How is Ruby, Nick's mother?"

"Ruby made some bad decisions in her life. One of them being having sex with a demon. Resulting in Nick's birth. In the end, she had to give them up."

"So Nick is not a witch?"

"No. He's a full demon." Good thing; I can't deal with another witch family member.

"And he's not resentful towards Ruby? I mean, she left him."

"She left him for the good of both of them."

"It just seems sad."

"I can tell that isn't the only thing bothering you."



"I'm okay. Truly." Lie my ass off; fake your smile like no other.

"What's going on?" Her eyes turned from a soft angel to a maniac demon. She never was a mother; just another villain in my story. Someone to use me.

"What's going on, mother, is that I've finally seen the truth."

"What are you talking about young lady?"

"I haven't been your daughter in centuries. You can't control me or use me. And there's no way in hell that I will kill my own daughter." Her eyes grow wide; her jaw drops; and I believe I heard her heartbeat stop.

"You had a child with that monster?"

"I did in fact. And mother, you are the true monster."

I take my knife and stab her in the stomach. The blood rushes to her face, as she realizes what just happened. The red liquid leaks out of her wound. Falling down to the floor, creating a mess of red color.

I stabbed my own mother.


   Blood falls from her mouth; choking on the gooey substance. The knife still buried in her flesh; as the life drains from her eyes. Before she could fall, I grab her shaking hand; taking every bit of her power. Making her magic, my own.

"You should have stayed dead mother."

Her limb body falls to the floor. Her form pale like the moon; the color red vibrant against her skin. The color matching on my own hands. She once was fire kissed. Now painted red.

The fire. The ash. Her screams.

The knife. The blood. Her silence.


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Kat killed her mother!!!!!!!

Dropped a bomb right there.

Hope you all enjoy!!!

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