Chapter 9

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       Nope. Not fucking happening. I will not have feelings for this asshole. A million other girls have feelings for him and it all ends the same. Getting in the girls pants, then leaving.

Humping and dumping

       It will not be me. I can't allow myself to fall for this man. This manipulating fool that has me under his spell.

I will not have feelings for Damien Blackwood.

After the...incident that took place last night, I left. Said goodbye, thanked Damien for the great day; then I got the fuck out of there.

Once I got home, I strip out of my clothes and straight into my pajamas. Salem was happy to see that I was home and safe. Always the one to looks after me, even though she is a cat.

Morning hits me like a bolder. Salem, laying on my chest; making it a thousand degrees.

I know I have to figure out a way to get rid of these feelings. In little to no years, I will have to pack up and move. It would be useless and of no importance to fall for Damien. I would just break his heart in the end; why not save the hurt?

I push Salem off of me and lift myself off the bed. The first thing I do is grab coffee. The next thing, I grab my spell book. While slipping coffee, the pages of the book flip themselves.

"A spell for I'm stupid enough to date Damien in the past," The next page was the love spells. All I need is the right one, "Anti-Love spell is just what I need."

"Alright. I have all the ingredients...except the DNA of one Damien Blackwood. Nothing a tiny spell can't fix."

A wave of my hand and a strain of hair appears in front of me. It was dark like Damien's; bingo.

"Let's get this show on the road."

I grab a pot and pour water inside. I pick a few rose petals before throwing them inside as well. I take a needle and lightly prick my finger. A bead of blood pops out of my skin and falls into the bowl.

"Crudelis sententia auferre. amor enim Damien Blackwood."

The mixture boils and creates steam. Bubbles form and pop over and over again. The water turns to a magenta color as the roses melt away.

I add the hair; making the mixture grow in size. A pink steam rises out of the potion, creating a heart in the air. Then falling back down into the pot.

"Here goes nothing."

I take a glass cup and dip it into the potion. I cheers before letting the liquid slip down my throat. At first, I felt nothing. Then, it felt like my heart was ripping in two.

It was as if my heart was breaking over and over again. Breaking me from the inside out. This was a mistake. I should never toy with the affections of love. Because love is dangerous.

And it seems every time I do a potion or a spell now a days, I always pass out. Nothing's changed.

* * *


       I always say, never fall in love. But, I broke that one rule. Aunt Ruby doesn't know about him; nobody knows about him. My little love secret.

       After years of being alone, I finally found someone that understands me. I'm not in the dark anymore. He is my light and my savior; Damien Blackwood. My one true love.

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