Chapter 44

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Let the battle commence...

The ringing of bells wakes me from my slumber. Damien glancing at my now awake eyes. Shouts, yells, bells ringing; hell was in full force.

I snap my fingers, Damien and I were now fully clothed. We exit the tent together to see packs of soldiers marching left and right. Men running off and demons growing into their true form.

"What is going on!" Damien grabs a near by boy and yells

"Axel's army is coming now, sire." Damien let's the boy go, letting him run off.

"This is it. It's war."

"Remember the promise you made to me." Damien's eyes held so much fear. Yet it wasn't for himself.

"I promise my love."

"Good. We might get split up, so please watch your back. You can win this war." He quickly pecks my lips; grabbing my hand and pulling me to the front lines.

Let Axel's blood run wild

* * *

Third Person POV
(Bare with me through this.)

The sky was a bright red. Blood leaked from the glowing moon. The two armies, only a battle field away from each other. Mutant demons yearning for the blood screeched from Axel's side. Flying demons hovered in the air above. Both armies equal in size; equal with weapons. The only difference was Katarina; the Night witch.

It came out of no where. The cry of battle. The two armies ran at each other, then clashed. Demons fought demons; ripping out throats and tearing off heads. Drinking the blood for the power.

It was war at its finest. Kat lost Damien almost instantly. She knew, he was okay; she could feel it. Kat threw balls of fire at any mutant demon that dared come her way. Xander and Zach were feet apart, letting the wrath take hold of them. Sebastian kept eyes on Zara while he dealt with a demon trying to chew his face off. Damien, no where in sight.

Nick was on a rampage. Hunting for his prey. Once he caught sight of one of the Cane brothers; he knew he would go after his prey without mercy. Nick charges at Xander, sweeping him right off his feet.

Xander didn't know what to make of this. Nick was his best friend; now his so called friend was beating him to death. There was no stopping Nick from draining away his prey.

"Nick! Stop!" The cries of Xander were dull to Nick's ears.

"I'm your friend! What happened to you?" Xander throws Nick off him, making distance between the two.

"Darkness happened." In a flash, Nick's hands were wrapped around Xander's head. In a short twist, Nick snaps Xander's neck. Xander's limp body falls, creating the echoing silence in Zach's ears.

Zach saw it all. He tried to get to his brother, yet the mutant demons fought him off. He watched as Nick sucked the soul out of Xander's body. At that point, Zach was lost in the wrath. Even if he were to live through the battle, he would never be the same again.

Zach rips demons throat out. Continuing to run at Nick. The two demons clash; Zach's solid black eyes bore into Nick's. His nails extending, slicing Nick making him bleed red. Nick couldn't match to the enraged demon; Zach cuts Nick, creating a pattern across his body. Zach takes Nick's arm, twisting it behind him until the snap is heard.

Nick drops to the ground, crying at the lose of his strength and power. Zach's demon side still not had calmed down. Zach had rage that could never be beat; the devil might be more powerful, but not even him could reach Zach's wrath.

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